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A message from the board president

Whether House or Travel, we strive to provide the infrastructure to practice and play games in a fiscally responsible manner. The only paid position on our board is that of the Director of Umpires, who receives a nominal fee for the expertise to train, schedule, and evaluate our youth umpires. Player registration fees and sponsorship revenue are spent on Field Maintenance/Rental, Uniforms, Umpires, Field Improvements, Equipment, Insurance, Facilities, Trophies, All-Star events, and other miscellaneous items. Travel teams manage their own team budgets and receive no allocations from SAYBS. 

While we might take our local fields for granted, in reality it takes a great deal of effort and financial commitment to keep our fields in good condition, and to keep up with demands for field time from our growing community. Our organization is making a concerted effort to raise additional funds in the coming years to improve our fields. We are working very closely with the Saline Area Schools and the City of Saline in this effort, and we hope you see the results in the near future and will be even more proud of our commitment to serving the youth of Saline. Go Hornets!

Scott Tousa, President, SAYBS


Key Positions

President: Scott Tousa
Secretary: open
Treasurer: Shawn Paszkiewicz
VP, House Baseball: Ryan Sontag
VP, Travel Baseball: John Clark
VP, House Softball: open
VP, Travel Softball: Magen Larsen
Director, Communications: Sonia Gottfried
Director, Fields: Aaron Linford
Director, Fundraising: Adam Lirette
Director, Instruction and Evaluations: Deb Burton
Director, Purchasing: open
Director, Registration: Deb Burton
Director, Umpires: Pete Rodriguez
Director of Player/Coach Development: Scott Theisen
Past President: Mark Good 
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