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FORMS -2019/2020 Season

Registration: Click here for Cyclone Hollywood Player Registration

U18 Consent Form: u18 medical consent form.pdf

Click here to download:

by-laws, Code of conduct, Dispute Resolution hollywood.pdf




Section 1    The seasonal year of this organization shall be from August 1 to July 31 of the following year.

Section 2    The Constitution, By-laws and Rules and regulations are in effect during the seasonal year.



Section 1    The elected officers of this organization shall be: The President,

Vice President of Operations, Treasurer, Registrar, Director of Coaching, Secretary, and Referee Assignor. These positions may be combined as deemed necessary.

Section 2    The term of all elected officers shall be for one year (1).

Section 3    A vacancy occurring in any office shall be temporarily filled by

                         Appointment of President until completion of the normal term.

Section 4    A board member not fulfilling his/her duties can be removed from his position by a majority vote of the Board.  Reasons for removal may include failure to attend seventy-five percent of meetings or for failure to attend two meetings in a row with insufficient reason, failure to fulfill the responsibilities of the particular position, failure to adhere to the standards set by the Club or FYSA regarding conduct or other reasons as justified. The Board Member considered for removal will be notified of action pending and the reasons for it at least one (1) week prior to the meeting at which the vote will be taken.  He or she will be requested to attend the meeting and given an opportunity to discuss whether he/she will remain in the position.



Section 1    The eligibility requirements to be nominated for a Board

                   Member position are: a) active participation in the day to day

                   Management of the Club for the benefit of the Club such as schedules, referees, tournaments, etc. for at least two consecutive seasonal years prior to the nomination and b) meet the requirement of attending a minimum of 75% of meetings for voting members and c) be a voting member as set out in Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution.

Section 2    Prior to the Annual General meeting called by the

President, those eligible wishing to run for a Board position or to nominate a member to run for a Board position shall make his/her intentions known by e-mailing the Board.  A detailed description of the position’s duties will be issued the nominee.

Section 3     Election of CSH Board members shall be by either show of hands or paper ballots as deemed appropriate by the Board and the voting members at the Annual General Meeting.

Section 4    Newly elected Board Members shall attend the next meeting of the Board of Directors as observers. Outgoing Board Members will attend the next two Board meetings to assist in the transition.  Only current serving Board Members may vote.



Section 1     President

                   The President shall:

Be the Chief Executive Officer for the organization and be responsible for the day to day operations of the Club and shall perform these duties with the concurrence of the board. Shall ensure that all elected officers perform their assigned duties, preside at all meetings of the organization, supervise all negotiations on behalf of the organization, call meetings as deemed necessary, sign all checks written by the organization.

Section 2    Vice-President of Operations

                   The Vice-President of Operations shall:

Assist the President in running the day to day operations of the club.  The Vice-President shall oversee the maintenance of the fields, obtain volunteer help to accomplish items of work, oversee the availability and activity on CSH controlled fields, be responsible for the purchase of all club supplies, and oversee the committees as established by the President.

Section 3    Treasurer

                   The Treasurer shall:

Keep a record of all expenditures of the organization, open bank accounts as necessary, collect and deposit monies in those accounts.  The Treasurer shall submit a year- end financial report to the City as required, prepare any tax information for federal or local government filings.  The treasurer may request an accounting from all Club teams if deemed necessary. Additionally, the Treasurer may from time to time to perform other such duties as may be delegated to him.

Section 4     Registrar

                   The Registrar Shall:

Be thoroughly familiar with the Constitution, By-Laws, and

Rules and Regulations of CSH and FYSA and the insurance programs for Youth Soccer so as to be in a position to interpret same.  Where there is doubt in his/her mind, a ruling should be obtained from FYSA.  The Registrar shall proficient in the computer program, forms and fees needed to procure, register, release, and transfer players and coaches.  The Registrar shall represent the Club at all District meetings or appoint an alternate.  The Registrar shall keep a record of registration forms, verify proof of player’s birth date by Birth Certificate when needed and assigning players to CSH teams in age categories as determined by the Board and USSF.

Section 5     Secretary

                   The Secretary shall:

                   Keep accurate record of all meetings, handle all correspondence of the Board of Directors and Club, give notice of meetings and maintain the files of the League. The Secretary books shall constitute the official records of CSH.

Section 6    Director of Coaching

                   The Director of Coaching shall:

Be the liaison between the teams and their respective

Leagues of play.  The Director shall impart information to all coaches concerning schedules, meetings, rules, regulations, penalties and league events.  The Director shall encourage all coaches and assistant coaches to attend approved clinics, coaches meetings and seminars. The Director shall attend all League meetings, vote on behalf of the Club and network with other League Reps and communicate with, League Board of Directors and USSF Regional Commissioners and Officers.

Section 7    Referee Assignor

                   The Referee Assignor shall:

Keep organized records of team schedules and scores as well as maintain frequent communication with the Director of Coaching as well as the Coaches assigned to each team. The Assignor must attempt to accommodate each team to the best of their abilities to provide referees at a time and location in which the team can participate.



Section 1    The Board of Directors defined by Article 6 Section 2 of the

                   CSH Constitution shall meet monthly.  The President or any

                   2 members of the Board may call additional meetings as needed.

Section 2    The Board of Directors shall have the right and authority to suspend, bar completely, or otherwise discipline any player, coach, manager, team assistant, elected officer, or any other member of CSH.

Section 3    ORDER OF BUSINESS: The order of business shall be:

                   Call to Order

                   Roll Call

                   Review of the Minutes

                   Coaches/team reports

                   Unfinished Business

                   New Business


Section 4    The Board members shall attend all Board meetings and

General meetings.  Should any Board member be absent? more than twice without giving advanced notice, or have any other circumstances listed under Article 11 Section 4, that Board member will be subject to removal from the

                   Board of Directors.

Section 5    The Board shall from time to time, make temporary Operating Rules and Regulations for specific cases deemed necessary by the Board of Directors to carry out the objectives of the CSH Club.  All Operating Rules and Regulations will be recorded by the Secretary in the Official Records.

Section 6    Each voting Board Member shall be entitled to one vote on proposals brought before the Board. The President may only vote in case of a tie.

Section 7    A quorum requires attendance of (4) voting Board members.

                   All voting referenced herein and in the Rules and Regulations shall be done in accordance with this Article.







Section 1    General Meetings shall be held at least on an annual basis.

Section 2    Additional meetings shall be held at the call of the President or by written application of 15% or more of the voting members of CSH.

Section 3    Those voting members present at a General Meeting will constitute a quorum.



Should this organization be dissolved, all assets remaining after payment of all debts shall be turned over to FYSA or other non-profit organization for the express purpose of development and promotion of youth soccer.



Insurance coverage shall be provided by FYSA for all registered players.



Section 1    Tournament Committee

                   The duties shall be to plan, prepare and schedule tournaments.

Section 2    Uniform Committee

The duties shall be to seek out vendors for different uniforms and to present choices of uniforms to the Board of Directors. To coordinate with the vendor the receiving of the uniforms for all the players.

Section 3    Practice Field Allocation Committee

Section 4    Game Field and Referee Committee

The duties are to coordinate with the Referee Assignor the game day referees and fields.


The Board of Directors may add or subtract Committees as they may deem appropriate. Members of the Board of Directors will be at the head of each committee to assure that the Board is in agreement with each of the actions taken. Volunteering on a Committee fills one of the requirements to become eligible for election to the board.


Cyclone Soccer Hollywood
PO BOX 221278 Hollywood fl 33022 - Field:Dowdy Field 2161 Johnson St Hollywood FL 33020 

Phone: 786-571-4141
Email: [email protected]

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