Follow these steps:
1. Login to the above link.

2. Add player/participant then select Programs Available
3. Select the correct program, AYSO United (North) 2005 Girls or 2004 Boys, and the press Continue button at bottom right. (Do not select AYSO Metro boys or girls team)

4. Fill in player contact info, jersey size, accept waivers and make sure to put in a medical concern, if none put N/A. Scroll down and the press Continue button at bottom right.

5. Next Screen is for you to review application and e-Sign. Click box to verify e-Sign then press Continue to Review button at bottom right.

6. Next screen is final review and Submit Player Application.
7. Almost done…Click the Continue button in green.

8. Do you want to volunteer? Select a position or click box for not at this time.

9. Continue to Checkout. No fee for tryouts. Click Continue on two more screens and you are done. See you at tryouts on June 6.

If you have question or get stuck registering please don’t hesitate to call or send an email to [email protected].