Welcome to Jefferson District Youth Football League (JDYFL), the largest youth football league in Central Virginia where the child comes first. JDYFL is run by a dedicated group of parents and business people who have a vision to establish a football league that will give all children a place to play regardless of the child's size or financial background. JDYFL is committed to keeping the registration at an affordable rate so that all children have the opportunity to play. JDYFL primarily serves children who live in Albemarle, Augusta, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Greene, Orange, Harrisonburg, Nelson and Louisa; however, if you live outside one of these counties, you are still welcome to play.
If you have time and passion we need you!
Unlike other leagues, JDYFL divides its players into three age-based groups.
JDYFL keeps children of the same age and social development together by placing children within approximately two years of each other on the field to learn, develop, and compete against one another.
JDYFL is both an instructional and competitive league. The competition however, must be confined to the field of play, and done so in such a manner that the game and all of the participants are respected. JDYFL will not tolerate the lack of sportsmanship in any form from players, coaches, parents, or fans. This includes any behavior that would reflect negatively on the league on and off of the playing field. JDYFL does acknowledge that winning is a part of athletic competition; however, the way you win is as important as winning itself. JDYFL will not accept anything less than respect for self, the other players, coaches, fans, and most importantly - respect for the game.
The Louisa Jr Lions were founded in 2014, and started out in AAU-Fredericksburg, and sent a 7u team to TJYFL In the fall of 2015, the Jr Lions joined the TJYFL and placed both Governors and Founders team in the Semifinals and Super Bowl respectively. In the summer of 2016, it was voted unanimously to send the Jr Lions to the JDYFL-formerly known as TJYFL as a full fledged member.