Let us throw you an unforgettable birthday party!
HappyFeet Birthday Parties Are a Blast!
Your child enjoys HappyFeet at school so why not share the fun with friends at his/her next birthday party?
HappyFeet birthday parties are designed to give the guest of honor special recognition and are an absolute blast for all guests!! Our HappyFeet birthday party curriculum includes fun games such as:
- Pirates in the Sea
- Foxes & Rabbits
- King of the Jungle, Sharks & Minnows
- Many more!
HappyFeet birthday parties can be held at a HappyFeet location, local park, local gym or the child's home! HappyFeet coaches are trained to put on an excellent program in a variety of spaces. The average basement is easily big enough!!
Our packages includes one hour of games and activities led by our HappyFeet coach, who will then help with cutting the cake, handing over presents and general entertainment of the kids! Your birthday child will receive a HappyFeet T-Shirt and HappyFeet Soccer Ball!
Parties begin at $150 for 10 Kids
•Additional kids-$10 each
• Additional T-shirts-$10 each
• HappyFeet balls-$15 each