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Coaches Make Up

Didn't register or was not fully registered for coaches clinic?
Here are the steps for those who were not on the coaches clinic list and need to get certified to receive a badge. This will be for all positions on a coach/staff. Please be sure to meet up with your club leader to get all information about your organization, dates, plans, and events.

Step 1: Make sure you register.
You will need to go on our website and register to be a coach/staff member to receive a badge.
North teams will be on and South teams will be on

This registration will take care of all paperwork needed to do your background check and clear you with all the waivers to ensure you are protected under AYSA.

Pay for your registration so that we can do your background check and you are accounted for taking the USA football Certification class and AYSA test.

Don't forget to send in your picture so we can make your badge.

*This will get you placed on your clubs/teams coaches roster.

Step 2: Take the USA football certification class.
The codes and directions can be found under the Coach's Corner > USA Football at our website.
North teams will be on and South teams will be on

After taking this course USA football will give you a certificate of completion. You will need to email that in to us and make sure you let us know what team you are on so we can pull up the correct roster and update it. You can email it to [email protected] or [email protected]

Step 3: Take the AYSA test and have a passing score. (70% or more)
The codes and directions can be found under the Coach's Corner > AYSA test at our website.
North teams will be on and South teams will be on

After taking the test and scoring a passing score, email it in to us. Be sure to let us know what team you belong to when you email us. You can email it [email protected] or [email protected].

Please be sure to have all items turned into us by August 15th. AYSA's goal is to hand out all badges at Jamboree. We thank you for all your time that you put into the youth in our communities!