Volunteers can perform a wide range of functions; it all depends on how involved you want to be. The majority of PAAA volunteers are coaches for our intramural league and dance program, but we also have dedicated individuals that coach travel teams, team parents, dance moms & dads and also participate on the PAAA Board.
Penn Academy AA Club Volunteers (Coaches, Asst Coaches, Team Managers, Dance moms or dads and Dance instructors)
As you are likely aware, in 2015 the State of Pennsylvania has revised their background check requirements for volunteers who interact with children. You will need these clearances if you volunteer with any sports teams, Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, school homerooms and class trips, etc. This applies to all individuals that will be a coach, assistant coach, travel team manager or any other volunteering capacity in the Penn Academy Athletic Association (PAAA)
Upon completion, these new clearance requirements are valid for a five year period and will be portable to any place you volunteer with children. Many of you have or will be going through this same clearance for your jobs.
In order to coach or manage teams or volunteers in any capacity at Penn Academy AA, you will need to provide a copy of your certificates and if a resident of PA continuously for the past 10 years, a copy of your Disclosure Statement to Penn Academy AA.
Effective May 2, 2019 the club is using a software application called backgroundmanager.com to help volunteers acquire, store and report on individuals who have completed the required background searches. In addition the software will help store and track the annual concussion awareness certification. The process in using the application is very straight forward. If you do not have your background checks completed, the software will help you obtain all the background certifications that you need. If you already have completed your certifications, the software will allow you to upload the copy of your certificate directly into your profile. Finally, the software will alert you when one of your certification is about to expire in order for you to update the certification.
Click Here to go to website: https://www.backgroundmanager.com/
- Each volunteer needs to establish an account whether they have existing clearances or not.
- click "Start Background Check".
- Use organization code Penn Academy
- Enter information as prompted. If a volunteer already has a clearance certificate they can upload it after they establish an account.
Additionally, we strongly encourage every volunteer to go through the free online, “Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Mandated and Permissive Reporting” training.
Link: https://www.reportabusepa.pitt.edu/webapps/portal/execute/tabs/tabAction?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1