Click HERE for the 2017 BCR Certificate of Insurance
If a player is injured in the course of activity associated with Brunswick Cal Ripken (BCR) baseball/softball and needs medical attention there are 2 insurance coverage options available, detailed below.
1. You may use your child’s medical insurance as the primary insurance coverage and the Brunswick Cal Ripken insurance as the secondary insurance, if needed. According to the BCR insurance agent, this is the most common method of payment for incurred medical expenses.
2. You may use the BCR insurance as the primary insurance. You will be responsible for paying the $100 deductible per incident at the time of service.
Due to the complexity of medical insurance coverage please contact your child’s insurance carrier to clarify benefits available through his/her policy.
A BCR Injury Report must be completed and submitted to the league within 20 days of the incident. * When an accident occurs, obtain as much information as possible and email the President at [email protected]. This form is to be returned to the BCR President at PO Box 827, Brunswick, ME 04011 or it can be emailed to the address above.