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Simi Youth Baseball PONY Baseball League


Spring 2018 - Want to Umpire at SYB in the Spring?


SYB Umpire Clinic - Date TBD
Need to be dressed in umpire attire (if you have umpire attire). We will have rules meeting in picnic area from 10:00-12:00pm, followed by field instruction on Bronco Field 12:30- 5pm.

Pre-Season Scrimmage Games
All spring umpires need to be in attendance.  Times TBA.

Umpires are eligible to start umpiring spring ball if their league age is 14 or they are an 8th grader and they have attended the spring clinics (details on clinics will be provided).

ALL RETURNING AND NEW UMPIRES need to attend SYB UMPIRE CLINIC! We need to go over a lot  of rule changes and info.
All High School or higher umpires will be excused @ 12pm.  Everyone else will need to stay for instruction 12:30-5pm.

Notes: ALL UMPIRES OVER 18YRS OF AGE MUST BE LIVE SCANNED BEFORE WORKING SYB SPRING GAMES.  Attending these clinics and getting live scanned qualifies umpires, however does not guarantee any games during the spring season. SYB reserves the right to choose which umpires to use for games and may decide to remove some umpires at any level as the season progresses.

Any questions, please call SYB Chief Umpire - Craig Frazier at 805-492-0454 or email.

For additional umpire training, please see the So Cal Umpire Camps (not affiliated with SYB).

UMPIRES, Please Click here to schedule your games.

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Simi Valley, California 93065

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