Website Manager

Columbia Storm Baseball Club

All of our Board members can be contacted through the Columbia Storm email address at:  
[email protected]

What do our Board Members and Coordinators do?

President – Oversee all aspects of the club. The President shall preside at the club monthly meetings and Board of Directors’ meetings. The President works directly with all board members on organizing and planning the direction of the club for the upcoming year. The President will be representing the Columbia Storm Baseball Club in all leagues as well as in the local community. The President will be directly involved in working with the board members to resolve issues that may arise.

Vice President – Supports all other board members responsibilities as needed including attending league meetings, assisting with club issues, as well as coordinating schedules. The Vice President will assume responsibilities in the absence of the President.

Secretary – Send out notice of all meetings to all participants of the club. Keep minutes and attendance of all meetings and distribute copies of these to all Board members. Maintain an accurate copy of the Columbia Storm Constitution and By-Laws, including all approved amendments. Maintain annually a directory of names, email, addresses and telephone numbers of all team coaches by individual teams. The Secretary is also responsible for providing ballots and conducting election at annual meetings. All communication to the entire club is channeled through this position via email, phone, or text.

Treasurer – Manage the checkbook for the club. Ensure all incoming monies are deposited and expenses are paid on a timely basis. Prepares and presents a monthly report to the club members at the club meetings which will detail the clubs revenues and expenses for the month. Also, should be able to volunteer to support other Board members during other important functions of the club when necessary.

Equipment Coordinator – Responsible for uniforms and coaches’ equipment bags. Must order first aid supplies and restock equipment bags, with necessary items, before the start of each season. Must keep inventory lists and identify bags with coaches and ensure handing-out and return of bags at the beginning and end of each season. This person is also responsible for ordering game balls for each team before the start of each season.

Website Coordinator – Making updates to the Columbia Storm website on a regular basis to ensure all information is current and easily accessible to the entire club and the public. This also includes all social media sites.

Field Status

Open Open

Freeburg Fields (02:54 PM | 04/14/15)

Open Open

Waterloo Fields (WSA Jaycees Ballpark) (02:54 PM | 04/14/15)