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Blackhawk Area Soccer Association

Blackhawk Area Soccer Association

PA West Background Check

PA West Risk Management

Once you have completed your required background checks, you must upload this information to PA West. Coaches are the only ones able to load information into the system and apply for coaching. PA West is responsible for final approval for the District.  B.A.S.A. will check with PA West to see if you have successfully secured your clearances.  B.A.S.A. does not approve / validate / or process your documents and background checks.

Links for the locations to apply for clearances mandated by PA West and the PA State government are found on the following site:

With the addition of the SafeSport clearances, parents or volunteers or adults who harass a referee will be reported to US Youth Soccer and police for child abuse. This is a rather significant change.

All individuals must upload the required documents into the PA West Soccer Online Risk Management System.

All Volunteers must provide the following:

  -State Police Criminal Record Check
  -PA Child Abuse History Clearance
  -if PA resident for at least 10 continuous years…a complete and notarized Volunteer affidavit
  -if PA resident for less than 10 continuous years…FBI Criminal Background Check
  -Grass Roots Coaching Course - Online - Shouldn't take too long
  -SafeSport Clearance - Online Course
The clearances are free for volunteers to collect, but they may take time to be completed. Please work on them as soon as possible. If you do incur a fee for the FBI background check, BASA will reimburse you if your provide the receipts.

If you have any questions regarding the clearances or how to upload them, please let our registrar know. We will be happy to help you get everything turned in. Also, please let the registrar know once you have registered with PAWest and your documents are complete.

BASA Tips For Clearances

Grass Roots Course:

Here is the link that you need to get started: 

1. Once you are logged in, you will need to select the Introduction Course from the menu on the left hand side. 

2. The course takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and is free.

3. When you are done with the class, you will receive an email confirmation.

4. Send the email confirmation to me at [email protected] and we will send them all on to PAWest. You can also send a screen shot that includes your name and the fact that you have completed the course.


SafeSport Requirements
1. Go to 
2. Put in the Access Code:  YC3E-6P5G-YYIL-CS2M  
3. Select USSoccer as the organization.

3. Complete the online training course.
4. Upload them all into Affinity on your own and then email [email protected] to let BASA know it is completed.


Uploading Documents into Affinty (clearances):

1. Go to this link:

2. Click on the blue “to begin REGISTRATION please click here” at the top of the page.  DO NOT USE THE LOGIN BOX IN THE UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER.

3. Once there, login.  You will see all the family members

4. You will have the option to add family members or to continue, you want to continue.

5. The next screen will list all those eligible in the family to register for this, to the right of your name, you will see a ‘register as coach/admin’ button, please click that.

6. It will then come up with what you asking you to select the play level and the only option is Background Check. Once you select that, your information will come up on the screen, in the middle of this screen, you will see ‘click here to show photo or certification upload’

7. This is where you will see to upload the documents.  Towards the bottom, you will see ‘club additional information’, please pick your club.

8. At the bottom, you want to select the ‘save and next page’.

9. Walk through the rest of the steps, agree to the ELA’s if there are any (they may not apply, but can’t go any further).

10. The Payment page will come and should say no payment due.

11. Keep on clicking until you get to the end.

12. This will create the application for approval.  You will go ‘under Review'.

13. Send an email to Jenn McCaa, Registrar at [email protected] to let her know you have completed this step.


PA West Tips for Uploading Documents for Clearances

  • Either jpeg or pdf are acceptable.
  • Make sure they are a reasonable size before uploading. This is especially true of pictures taken with your phone. Make sure you upload using the large or extra-large version of the image.
  • Be sure to clearly identify the three documents when you save them to your computer. (ie’s-Tim’s State Police Clearance, Tim’s Child Abuse clearance, Tim’s FBI Clearance) This will prevent you from uploading the same file two or three times.
  • There are three slots for clearances…they are marked “PATCH”, “CY113” and “FBI BC/RES AFF”. When uploading your three clearances…as long as you upload a State Police Clearance, a Child Abuse Clearance, and either an FBI Clearance or Notarized Volunteer Affidavit (whichever is applicable) into those three slots which is where doesn’t matter.
  • There is a re-sizing tool in the edit feature if you believe the document image is small.
  • If you make a mistake and upload a document twice or it is too small. Email Tim McCoy at [email protected] to have the bad file removed so you can upload the correct one or one you’ve re-sized.
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