Summer Programs
Discount Passes
We are offering Funtown/Splashtown combination passes for $30.00 (regular price is $39.00) and Aquaboggan Water Park for $15.00 (regular price is $20.00) Tickets are available at the Town Office.
Cheering Stunt Camp will be held at the Memorial School Gym on July 9-13. Students should wear leotards, gym shorts, or sweatpants, and snug fitting tops . The deadline for registering for this program is July 5th at 1:00 pm. The cost of this program is $47.00. Minis and Chips 9:00 am-10:00 am, Big Diamonds 10:00 am-11:00 am and Super Diamonds 11:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Gymnastics lessons will be given by Becky Norton at the Memorial School Gym the week of July 23rd. The program will include proper stretching, strength building, tumbling, beam, and vault. Students should wear leotards, gym shorts, or sweatpants, and snug fitting tops (BARE FEET ONLY). Beginner gymnastics will run 9:00 - 9:55 am and cheer bumbling will run 10:00 - 10:55 am. The Diamond Cheer camp will run from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm. The cost for the camp is $32.00 for gymnastics and $52.00 for cheering. The deadline for registering for this program is July 19th at 4:00 pm.
Our Back to Basics Soccer Camp for children ages 4-8 at the New Gloucester Fairgrounds located at 106 Bald Hill Rd. This program will run July 10th until August 14th on Tuesdays from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. We will be concentrating on learning basic skills, sportsmanship and teamwork. The cost of the program is $21.00 per child. The deadline for registering for this program is July 21st at 4:00 pm.
McAcademy Soccer Camp 2018 July 23rd- 27th
Learn from the best
Qualified coaches - McAcademy employs qualified coaching staff with a variety of levels of expertise, from MS, HS, College and Pro level. Specialized goal keeping training will also be included.
US Soccer Pillars of Soccer - All coaches will provide a quality experience for players. Helping to teach the US Soccer Pillars of Soccer. Coaching technical and tactical, soccer skills in a fun, yet challenging way.
Camp Director, Coach Kiaran McCormack - played professionally for Dundalk FC in Ireland, was a youth academy player with Manchester United, Stoke City, Leeds United (all in the English Premier league), and Derby County. Coach Kiaran holds an F.A.I. level 2 License, a US Soccer C License, coach's premier soccer, college soccer and has led our Gray New Gloucester Varsity Girls Soccer to the WMC playoffs 6 times in 7 years, and to the quarter finals in 2016!
AC Milan Pre K & K ~ $75 (Size 3 Ball) $77.00
Our littlest stars are introduced to technical skills, with fun skill building games and activities.
9:00-9:45 Warm up and skills
9:45-10:00 Snack break and fun activity
10:00-10:25 Camp scrimmage 1v1 or 2v2
Barcelona 1st & 2nd ~ $75 (Size 3 Ball) $77.00
Our future stars are introduced to technical skills, with fun challenges and skill building games.
9:00-9:45 Warm up and skills
9:45-10:00 Snack break and fun activity
10:00-10:25 Camp scrimmage 2v2 or 3v3
Chelsea FC 3rd & 4th ~ $100 (Size 4 Ball) $103.00
Time for our players to become technical soccer skills masters through individual, small group, team games, and competitions.
9:00-9:45 Warm up technical skills (individual)
9:50-10:30 2v2 challenge
10:30-11:00 Snack break and fun activity
11:00-11:30 Camp games
11:30-12:00 Camp scrimmage
Manchester United 5th & 6th~ $175 (Size 4 Ball) $180.00
HS introduction. Our players will start to learn the skills that make a HS player. Time to get HS technical, HS tactical with lots of fun!!! Our players will be challenged through individual and group games, activities and scrimmages.
9:00-9:45 Warm up technical skills (individual)
9:50-10:30 2v2 challenge
10:30-11:00 Snack break and fun activity
11:00-12:30 Camp games
12:30-1:15 Lunch and fun activity
1:15-2:00 Tactical skills (group)
2:00-2:50 Camp
Real Madrid 7th & 8th ~ $175 (Size 5 Ball) $180.00
Varsity p[layer time. Eat sleep have fun and play like a varsity player. For the serious pre high-school soccer players they will train like varsity players to see if they have what it takes to play at the next level.
9:00-9:45 Warm up technical skills (individual)
9:50-10:30 2v2 challenge
10:30-11:00 Snack break and fun activity
11:00-12:30 Camp games
12:30-1:15 Lunch and fun activity
1:15-2:00 Tactical skills (group)
2:00-2:50 Camp scrimmage
It is the mission of McAcademy to introduce soccer to children at an early age. To develop players who are technically and tactically proficient, who work hard and love the game. To promote participation in other community soccer programs: Patriot Soccer Club, The Recreation Department, Middle School, and ultimately High School Soccer Programs.
It is the mission of the New Gloucester Parks and Recreation Department to create recreational opportunities for growth and enhancement by developing diverse services and programs that promote citizen involvement and a strong sense of community while striving to increase the social, cultural, and physical well-being of its residents and visitors of all ages. In keeping with our missions, McAcademy & New Gloucester Parks and Recreation are proud to collaborate, to raise the level of interest in this fun and fast paced sport and to develop the technical and tactical skills of our players of all ages. Together, McAcademy and New Gloucester Parks and Recreation foster community ties, and with this strong foundation promote the collaboration with other community soccer programs.
Learn to cook healthy meals! Cook nutritious and delicious food on a budget. Learn through hands-on cooking, meal prep, and activities. Free ingredients to take home each week. Graduation certificate, recipe book and other freebies provided upon completion of the program. FOOD —prepared by you, alongside the instructors. Discuss nutrition concepts and work with a chef to prepare healthy meals. Tips for stretching your $$ and maximizing your food resources. Plan to make a commitment to all six weeks July 11- Aug 15 at the Community Building from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Provided in partnership of New Gloucester Parks and Recreation with Cooking Matters Maine, a program of the Good Shepherd Food Bank of Maine.
Registration for all summer activities will be available on July 1st. on the website.
Fairgrounds and Rowe Station
The fairgrounds is a great place to walk with friends and family or even your dog. Rowe Station has basketball courts for pick-up games and tennis courts to hone your tennis skills. We only ask that you leave the property in the same if not better condition than when you arrived. Please make sure you clean up after your pets and they must stay on a leash!!
Canoe and Kayaks at the Fairgrounds
The New Gloucester Fairgrounds now has two canoes and kayaks available for sign-out for use on the Royal River Reservoir
Canoe/Kayak Sign-Out Procedure
1. Pick up a key at New Gloucester Library after you fill out the proper paperwork.
2. At the Fairgrounds, unlock the vessels that you have signed out along with the Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s) and paddles that you need.
3. Boats can only be launched and taken out at the fairgrounds launch. Boats can not be transported off-site.
4. PFD’s and paddles are located in the green job site box next to the canoe and kayak rack (use same key to unlock). Please note that PFD’s MUST be worn at all times when you are using any of the watercraft.
5. When you are done, return the watercraft to the rack and re-lock them. Please be sure that they are secured correctly.
6. Place the PFD’s and paddles back in the green job site boxes and lock it back up.
7. Return the key to the library. If closed, place key in the book drop box.
8. Must be 18 years or older to singn out a watercraft.
Library Hours
Tues, Wed, and Thurs 9 am– noon and 1 pm– 8 pm
Friday 9 am– noon and 1 pm– 5 pm
Saturday 9 am– noon