AMFC Elite Open-House
This is the information from the 21-22 sessions, but should still you an accurate description of how our structure works
wish to thank you for your interest in AMFC Elite program. This note
will serve as a brief summary of what you can expect during the Open-house
open house registration:
Returning AMFC players log into your account and select the “AMFC
2021 winter I registration” option which will register you for the open house.
(Reminder, make sure that you are using the Elite (Kiwi Green) AMFC website
to ensure that you able to log into the correct account in order to see you
New players to the club. Use the link below to access the Elite
Website. Set up your account, add your child or children to the account as
participants. Select the “AMFC 2021 winter I registration” option and that
will put you into the open house data list.
November 2nd and Thursday November 4th
St. Paul’s
1588 Greenlawn Ave Akron Ohio United States 44305
hours are based on your child’s birth year.
2012 and 2013 Boys and Girls 5pm to 6pm
2008 Boys and Girls 6pm to 7pm
School Girls (All age groups) 7pm to 8pm
2006, 2005 High School Boys 8pm to 9pm
2003 High School Boys 9pm to 10pm
November 7th
Akron Indoor Soccer
73 Rosewood Ave. Akron Ohio United States 44301
Girls 6pm to 7pm (All age groups)
HS Boys
7pm to 8pm (All age groups)
times above have been requested but as a try-out/practice request the building
will honour indoor league game time scheduling first. As additional information
becomes available, we will pass it onto all of the players that are registered
for the open-house.
19 Safety Protocols
· AMFC maintains stringent
safety protocols for all activities taking place within their buildings. We
ask that you please make yourself and your athlete familiar with them
· We ask that all parents
do a health screen of their athlete prior to leaving their home or keep the
athlete home if they have been in contact the past 14 days with someone who
· There will be
temperature checks taken as soon as a player enters the facility
· Please arrive within 10
minutes of your scheduled session (no earlier)
· Players are to maintain
social distancing while not in the training session
· Players are to keep
their drinks/water bottles inside of their bags when not being used to ensure
no cross contamination between players
· Please leave the
facility as soon as your scheduled session is over.
· Parents are asked to
wait in the parking lot for their child. Please keep your phone readily
available in the event of an emergency or your athlete has a high temperature
reading and is not permitted to proceed within the training session.
· Spectators will not be permitted
into the building, unless necessary. Parents are to contact Denzil Antonio if
special arrangements need to be made
Open House Process
· Returning AMFC players
are asked to wear AMFC shirts, black, AMFC Kiwi green or navy shorts, and
black (dark) or white AMFC socks for the session.
· New players are
encouraged to wear any soccer related clothing
· Players will check-in
with an AMFC representative, after finishing their temperature check, to ensure
that you are a registered player. Registration can be handled in the lobby
but that will delay the child’s participation in the session.
· Players may bring their
own futsal ball, however no outdoor balls will be permitted.
· Time slots are 55
minutes in length: Sessions will run 50 minutes with 5 minutes to allow
players to exit the building before the next group enters for temperature
checks/player check-ins prior to the start of the next session
With the number of players coming to
this event potentially rising each day we may have to impose limits on the
number of participants that are involved in the winter sessions. The space in
the building is the limiting factor and we will all that we can to follow the
safety protocols established by the health department.
If there are any immediate questions, please reach Denzil Antonio at
All the best
AMFC Elite Coaching Staff