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AMFC ELITE: A place for the progressive player to learn and play


All AMFC Elite players will need to order the AMFC Elite uniform, Teams that are formed to play indoor (9v9 or 11v11) will need this uniform

Elite uniform
Navy shirt
Navy shorts 
Navy socks
Navy fade to white conflict shirt

Competitive tier players
Navy and Kiwi green shirts are given to all new players in this tier.

In-House tier players
Kiwi green shirts are given to all players and are to be worn for all games.

Training  clothing
Navy or Kiwi green shirts
Orange shirts
Any other AMFC based shirt
Black, navy or old kiwi shorts
White, black or navy socks

All of these items are available at the club store of our uniform supplier Arrivo. This is available on the club website or by using the link below.