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GBFA Academy

What is Gulf Breeze Breakers Academy?

The Gulf Breeze Breaker development Academy is for U9-U18 players.  The primary focus of the Academy Program is simple: Individual player development. We want to provide appropriate training for all members of the Academy.  The Director of Training creates the training sessions to provide the players with the appropriate level of competition and success that each player needs to maximize development and enjoyment of the game. 

To take training to the next level, we have partnered with Coerver Coaching to implement the World’s no.1 Soccer skills teaching method in the Gulf Breeze Breaker Academy.  This program offers a more intensified training curriculum than offered in a recreational program and the Jr. Academy. This part of the program serves as a great introduction and preparation for competitive soccer.

When is practice?

Academy training occurs two times a week for 90 minutes.  The sessions will focus on technical skills and on applying individual skills with positional training for game situations.  Additionally, High School age group level receives Acceleration and Agility training once a week. A training schedule will be posted closer to the start of the season.

How old is the Gulf Breeze Breaker Academy program?

Gulf Breeze Futbol Academy introduced the Academy, its most progressive training and development program in the fall of 2013.

Is Academy just for elite players?

No. If you are interested in learning excellence in soccer, then you belong with a Gulf Breeze Breaker team. The Program is designed to develop the individual player’s skills. We encourage ANY player who has a desire to learn the skills to play soccer at a higher level to register for our Academy.  You (or your child’s) current play level does not matter.

Is Academy “competitive” or Pre-Classic soccer? 

The academy is focused on increasing the skills of all players regardless of their current skill level and to prepare the players to move to the next level, our Competitive Program (U13 and above). They are not “competitive” in the sense that ‘classic’ teams are. The number of goals isn't the only thing that is important.  The Academy strives for an atmosphere that encourages players to try new moves, make good decisions, and put new skills into action during the course of games.  Of course, like all sports a competitive spirit is encouraged – there is always something to play for. 

Who do Academy teams play? 

Gulf Breeze & Pensacola Breaker teams compete outside of the club locally and within the academy league.  The Academy also participates in jamborees and tournaments.  Team skill and ability will primarily drive what events each group attends.
Soccer is a perfect combination of individual activity and team strategy in which players hone their skills and find ways to exhibit personal style, while at the same time, work closely as a team if they hope to achieve any measure of success. Soccer is a game where scoring is not the only thing that matters. Smart, creative, heads-up play is just as important to coaches, players and spectators.

When will games be scheduled?

Games are primarily held on the weekend. Playdates are league play are on Saturdays only and tournament games are play in Saturdays and Sundays. 

What is the duration of the program?

The program will run from August through Mid-Dec (Fall) and Mid-Jan through May (Spring) for a total of 9 1/2 months.

Victor Ayala
Academy Director

Contact Us


5692 Als WayMilton FL 32583, Attn: GBFA
Milton, Florida 32583

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 850-602-7540
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