2022 BRAMBLETON SOCCER CAMP - Important Information:
WHO: Boys and Girls ages 6-12 yrs.
Brambleton Corner Pool Play Field
42255 Palladian Blue Terrace
Brambleton, VA 20148
Time: 9:00am-11:00am
EQUIPMENT: Shin Guards, Soccer Ball, Water Bottle, Nut-free snack, Rain Gear
9:00-9:15 Check-in & Warm-up
9:15-9:45 Rotation 1
9:45-10:00 Break/Snack
10:10-10:30 Rotation 2
10:30-10:55 Games
11:00 Pick-up
Refund Policy:
There is a non-refundable deposit of $75.00 for each camp at the time of registration.
No refund amount will be given within two weeks of first day of each camp.
Weather Policy:
There are no make-ups for days or parts of days cancelled due to bad weather conditions
i.e. (heavy rain, thunder & lighting) Parents must be prepared to pick up their child in these situations.
Alternative field if needed: Creighton's Play Field