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Local ARSC Rules

Updated 10/25/2016

Welcome to the Apple River Soccer Club (ARSC), a local region of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), which serves the Amery, Clear Lake, Clayton, Turtle Lake, Wisconsin, and surrounding areas.

In addition to AYSO National Rules, here are some brief local rules to note.


Soccer has limited equipment requirements. However, our ARSC AYSO teams play in uniforms (shirt and socks) supplied by the local region. Shoes, shin guards, black shorts or sweat pants are the player's responsibility. Shin guards are mandatory during ALL practices and games. Full-coverage shoes are required, and it is advisable to use shoes designed specifically for soccer (e.g. soccer cleats). Kids must also have their own water bottle during ALL practices and games.


Our region provides all fields and field equipment, such as goals, nets, line paint and flags; Coach equipment, such as balls, bags, manuals, cones and first aid kits; Referee equipment, such as officiating yellow shirt, black shorts, socks, whistle and stop watch. 

Read some ideas
for buying, selling, trading and borrowing used equipment from people in the area.



  • No Goalie for U5, U6, and U8 divisions
  • Players must wear shin guards at all practices and games. 
  • Player must have a water bottle to keep hydrated at all practices and games.  
  • Players may not wear jewelry, soft hair accessories are ok.
  • No hanging or climbing on nets or goals, each year there is at least one death in the United States due to goals falling on a child.
  • Watch out for gopher holes - notify the club at [email protected] of gopher holes that need to be filled.
  • Watch out for trash or debris on the fields and help pick up these items to keep the fields clean. 
  • No heading (bouncing ball off head) for U5, U6, U8, U10 & U12 players. If the coach has not been AYSO trained on heading the ball then that team is not allowed to head the ball no matter what the age division - player safety comes first.
  • No Player can play if they have a suspected concussion; this is not easy to determine so when in doubt the player stays out.  The player cannot return until a parent and medical release are provided to the coach.
  • No Player can play if they have a cast on any part of their body - player safety comes first.
  • No Player can play if they have an open / bleeding wound. 

*AYSO Incident Report
Report all incidents to the safety director at [email protected] and Regional Commissioner at [email protected].  T
here are incident forms in the coach bag or online in Coaches Forms & Documents Tool Kit  The AYSO Incident Report Form will be used whenever there is a personal injury, damaged property, or threats of or actual physical violence surrounding an AYSO game, practice, event or property. The form should be prepared by the Affected Party (Player, Player's Guardian, Coach, AYSO Official, AYSO Volunteer, Spectator or other). The Form may also be prepared by a member of the regional staff such as the regional safety director, or event staff members. 

*Field Rules

  • DANGER: Goals can tip over on to a person, so do not play, climb or hang on the goals or nets. 
  • NO chewing products
  • NO driving on grass areas
  • We are guests on School property so please be respectful of the property
  • Stay off the school equipment next to the buildings.

*Player Uniform
: Teams must have a complete uniform, consisting of a jersey, matching socks, black shorts and shin guards.  Tennis shoes or athletic shoes, round or elongated rubber cleats are acceptable but the shoe cannot have toe cleats.  Mark all equipment with your player’s name and store it in a soccer bag.  Encourage players to be responsible for their soccer items.  Lost Items will be placed in the “Lost and Found” by the soccer shed.  All items must be claimed by the end of the Soccer Season or they will be donated to “Worn Again” or other similar organization.

:  Kids are #1 so go to AYSO KIDS ZONE to read more and make the pledge and sign up today.  Young players look to you for direction and we ask that you encourage and model good sportsmanship. Having a fun time – not winning – is everything.  AYSO is not about being competitive. Fans only cheer, and only coaches coach.  Always be positive, enthusiastic and a supportive fan. 

*Good Sportsmanship Policy
: All fans, coaches, referees, and players, are expected to follow and enforce the rules of good sportsmanship at all times.  “Good Sportsmanship” is one of AYSO’s six philosophies. AYSO strives to create a positive environment based on mutual respect rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude. Sportsmanship is how we play the game – how we follow the laws and show respect for teammates, opponents and officials. This is evidenced in applauding opponents’ good performances, encouraging teammates and courtesy towards the referees. Coaches, parents and spectators need to be excellent role models of good sportsmanship as players often follow their example. Coaches, referees, and fans need to work together as a team to make sure our players go home with a smile on their face and joy in their heart. 

:  Players and fans, please dress appropriately for the weather. In hot weather, bring hats, sunscreen, and plenty to drink. In cold or windy weather bring light jackets or pullovers, dress warmly, the fields can be damp at times.  Bring chairs and rain gear if necessary. BE PREPARED!  Players can wear long pants, hats and gloves in cold weather.  A long sleeve shirt or sweatshirt can be worn under the jersey.  Remember that a parent has final say on whether their child should play under any condition.

*Game Cancellations & Makeup
: Our club’s policy is to play games in snow or rain or rainbow conditions.  If such conditions exist at game time players should report to their assigned field and the referee/coach on the field has the authority to shorten, cancel or postpone the game. Please dress appropriately for the weather conditions. Games are cancelled if there is lightning / thunder or other severe weather events like hale, tornado, high winds, thunderstorms, blizzards, etc.  A parent has final say on whether their child should play under any weather condition.  If a game is cancelled, it is the coach’s responsibility to contact the other coach and discuss possible make-up dates & times. 

*Balanced sides at game time
: All fans, players and coaches are to show respect and good sportsmanship by evening out players on the field so that there are equal numbers of players on each side. Coaches should discuss before the game either sharing players so that both teams have the same number of players on the field or reduce the number of players on the field so they are equal.  For those teams that have a lot of players they should share players so that everyone gets good playing time rotating in. Traveling teams playing in other regions must follow the rules of that region.

*Family Responsibilities
: Families should be on time for games and practices. Offer to help the coach at practices and learn about the laws of soccer. The coach/team parent will ask families to participate in providing team snacks and drinks for some games. The coach/team parent will ask families to participate in being a referee/linesperson for some games. Good conduct and sportsmanship are expected at all times and families help reinforce the positive attitude of all players, coaches, and referees.  Maintain a minimum of two adults of opposite gender for all practices and games.

*Board Meetings:
Our club typically has a monthly board meeting.  All are welcome to attend.  Contact a board member by clicking on the contacts tab above.  

Thank you, again, and have fun!!

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