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AYSO National Rule & Regs

updated 1/4/14 at 1058 hrs.

The below info is provided to you as a basic reference only.  The Apple River Soccer Club (ARSC) reserves the right to implement a variance to the national rules based on our local circumstances after our registration period.  Variances may include number of players on a team, or team structure based on the number of players and volunteers that sign up.  

Please go to to view the most current version of this document. 

AYSO National Rules & Regulations
(VERSION 08/2013)  

AYSO games shall be conducted in accordance with the current FIFA Laws of the Game and 
decisions of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) in effect on August 1 each 
calendar year, with the following exceptions and clarifications: 
1. Coaches, officials and spectators shall not enter the field of play unless requested by 
the referee. 
2. Except for small-sided games (Article I.H), a scheduled game shall not commence 
nor be continued unless both teams can field at least seven eligible players. 
Division Maximum Duration of Half 
Jamboree 10 minutes 
U-6 10 minutes 
U-8 20 minutes 
U-10 25 minutes 
U-12 30 minutes 
U-14 35 minutes 
U-16 40 minutes 
U-19 45 minutes 
1. Games shall be of two equal halves, not to exceed the following maximum durations: 
2. Half-time periods shall be a minimum of five and a maximum of ten minutes as 
designated by the referee. 
3. Where necessary due to scheduling time constraints, the duration of the two halves is 
to be reduced by an equal amount to allow for substitution in accordance with Article 
2 AYSO National Rules & Regulations (08/2013) 
1. Except as noted in Article I.C.3 all eligible team members in attendance at AYSO 
games must play at least half of the game, excluding overtime. 
Such participation is controlled as follows: 
a. Approximately midway through each half the referee shall permit substitution. 
This normally occurs during a regular stoppage in play, and the game is 
resumed with the appropriate restart (i.e. throw-in, goal kick, corner kick, 
kick-off, free kick, penalty kick or dropped ball). On occasion the referee may 
need to stop play for substitution while the ball is in play, in which case the 
game is resumed with a dropped ball. 
b. Substitutions may also be made at half-time and at the start of any overtime 
c. When the referee signals for substitution, the coaches should have all 
substitutes entering the game immediately report to the referee or the 
designated assistant referees, who shall note on the lineup cards those team 
members substituting. 
d. During such stoppages, the coach of each team may substitute as many 
team members, or none, including previously substituted team members, as 
long as all eligible team members meet the minimum playing requirements. 
e. The referee shall allow for any time lost due to substitution or other cause by 
stopping his/her watch or adding playing time. (See Article I.B.3. regarding 
reducing the length of halves to permit proper substitution.) 
2. Substitution for injury: 
a. If a player is injured, the coach may provide a substitute for the player, in 
which case the injured player may not return until the beginning of the next 
“quarter”. Only the player who is injured is credited with a “quarter” played 
regardless of the actual time played. 
b. The coach may choose to not substitute and “play short” thereby allowing the 
injured player to return during the “quarter” in which he or she was injured. 
c. The player must receive a signal from the referee in order to return to the 
3. Late arriving team members shall be substituted as follows: 
a. If the team member arrives during the first “quarter”, the team member must 
play a minimum of two of the remaining three “quarters”. 
b. If the team member arrives during the second or third “quarter”, the team 
member must play a minimum of one “quarter”. 
4. Signed lineup cards must be completed by the referee and forwarded to the Regional 
Commissioner or his/her designee. 
1. Referees shall officiate in accordance with the AYSO Rules & Regulations (the rules 
of competition), the FIFA Laws of the Game and decisions of the IFAB. AYSO National Rules & Regulations 
2. Referees shall officiate in a manner inducing clean competition and good 
sportsmanship, placing great emphasis on the welfare of the players. If a player is 
injured, the referee, at his/her discretion, may stop play to ensure the welfare of the 
player even if the ball has not gone out of play. 
3. The goalkeeper shall not be harassed or interfered with while attempting to put the 
ball in play. 
4. It is the duty of referees to protect the goalkeeper against dangerous play. 
5. The Laws of the Game are intended to provide that games should be played with as 
little interference as possible, and in this view it is the duty of referees to penalize 
only deliberate breaches of the Law. Constant whistling for trifling and doubtful 
breaches produces bad feeling and loss of temper on the part of the players and 
spoils the pleasure of spectators. 
1. It shall be the duty of each coach, referee, official, other volunteer, spectator, team 
member and other participant to: 
a. Conduct himself/herself in a manner becoming a member of AYSO and 
consistent with the AYSO philosophies and the highest standards of conduct. 
b. Comply with and promote compliance with the Bylaws, Rules & Regulations 
and policies, including those related to registration, certification and training. 
c. Encourage clean competition and good sportsmanship. 
d. Prohibit and abstain from making negative comments and complaints about 
e. Present a healthy and safe athletic environment for team members, including 
but not limited to, by not consuming alcoholic beverages, using tobacco 
products or smoking or simulating smoking or the use of tobacco products 
during practices or games or in the immediate vicinity of the soccer fields. 
2. It shall also be the duty of each coach to: 
The following language in bold and underlined is effective August 1, 2011 for the U-6 
and U-8 age division and the next age division in each of the subsequent years until 
implemented for all age divisions. 
a. Be trained consistent with the AYSO National Coaching Program 
standards for the age/skill level of the team he/she will coach; and train 
and coach the team to the best of his/her ability. 
b. Remain within the coaches’ area (Article I.G.2) during the game; a maximum 
of two coaches is permitted for each team. 
c. Limit his/her sideline participation during AYSO games to comments that are 
positive, instructional, and/or encouraging. 
d. Upon team formation, and during all subsequent team gatherings, practices, 
scrimmages, and games (regional, inter-Regional, Area, Sectional, National 
and tournaments), have in his/her possession all forms, rosters, waivers AYSO National Rules & Regulations 
and/or identification cards as may be required by AYSO policies so as to 
verify registration of team members or confirm volunteer qualifications. 
Ball size for each division shall be as follows: 
Age Division Size Circumference Weight 
Jamboree, U-6 & U-8 3 23.0-25.0 inches 10-12 oz. 
U-10 & U-12 4 25.0-26.5 inches 12-14 oz. 
U-14, U-16 & U-19 5 26.5-28.0 inches 14-16 oz. 
1. The dimensions and markings of the field of play and goals shall be at the discretion 
of the Region and, whenever possible, conform to the FIFA Laws of the Game or to 
AYSO small-sided game requirements. 
2. A coaches’ area extending ten yards on each side of the halfway line shall be marked 
by two lines off the field of play and perpendicular to the touch line. Where possible, 
the coaches’ area shall include two additional lines, with one line parallel to and at 
least one yard from the touch line, and a second parallel line no more than three 
yards from the touch line. 
3. The field shall be marked, where possible, with a spectator control line parallel to the 
touch line at a distance of at least three yards from the touch line. Coaches and 
officials should help the assistant referees keep spectators behind the spectator 
control line. 
4. Spectators shall not be allowed behind the goal lines, with the exception of 
photographers who have received authorization from the referee, and who must 
remain quiet and sufficiently back from the goal lines. 
1. It is strongly recommended that Jamboree through U-12 divisions play small-sided 
games, conducted in accordance with the current FIFA Laws of the Game as 
modified by the AYSO National Rules & Regulations and the age appropriate AYSO 
Coaching Manual. 
Regions may choose to allow goalkeepers in the U-8 division. 
Coaches beginning at the U-10 division are allowed to teach team members how to 
properly head the ball. 
2. Small-sided games are permitted for all divisions. 
A. Team names shall bear no resemblance to a religion, race, ethnicity or nationality. 
B. Teams shall participate only in games approved by their respective Regional 
Commissioners and/or presiding AYSO governing authority. 
C. Team size: 
1. For full-sided (11-a-side) soccer (not recommended for U-12 and younger), the 
number of team members at any one time shall be: 
Age Division Maximum no. of 
team members 
Minimum no. of 
team members 
U-16 & U-19 18 12 
U-8 through U-14 15 12 
2. The following are the recommended team sizes: 
Age Division Players per team on field 
U-19 11-a-side 18 players max 12 players min
U-16 11-a-side 18 players max 12 players min
U-14 11-a-side 15 players max 12 players min
U-12 9-a-side 12 players max 9 players min 
U-10 7-a-side 10 players max 7 players min
U-8 5-a-side (No goalkeepers) 7 players max 5 players min
U-6 3-a-side (No goalkeepers) 5 players max 3 players min
Jamboree (U-5) 3-a-side (No goalkeepers) 4 players max 3 players min
3. All divisions may play optionally with teams of smaller sizes for mini-soccer, indoor 
soccer or small-sided games, subject to rules established by the Section. 
D. The maximum number of team members listed in Article II.C may be increased with 
approval of the Area Director, but no more than would allow each team member to play at 
least half of each game. 
E. Each primary season, every effort shall be made to balance team strengths within each 
age division, within a reasonable geographical area. 
F. A Region or Area shall not form leagues on a major and minor basis within any age 
G. The only team member(s) a head coach may specify be on his/her team is his/her own 
child or children. 
A. The standard age divisions for the Boys and Girls programs are as follows: 
Age Division 
Under 5 years but not younger than 4 years Jamboree 
Under 6 years U-6 
Under 8 years U-8 
Under 10 years U-10 
Under 12 years U-12 
Under 14 years U-14 
Under 16 years U-16 
Under 19 years U-19 
B. The effective date of age determination shall be the registrant’s age as of July 31st 
immediately prior to the start of the membership year as defined in Article V. 
Registrants who have reached the age of four years as of this date are eligible to 
participate in the program. 
Individuals who are nineteen years of age or older as of this date are not eligible to 
1. Exception: Regions, upon approval by their Area Director and their Section Director, 
may allow registration and participation of children who have reached the age of four 
as of the date of the Region’s first organized activity (camp, practice or game) in any 
season, split season or sub-season. 
C. Jamboree and U-6 divisions are primarily for the introduction of soccer skills. 
D. In Regions where there are not enough registrants to make any or all standard age 
divisions, divisions may be combined so that teams may be formed. 
Such divisions shall be classified on the basis of the oldest registrant and shall not, after 
the start of the season of play, be reclassified to a lower age division should the oldest 
registrant(s) then be removed from the roster. 
E. Regions with a sufficient number of registrants within a standard age division may, with 
the approval of the Area Director and Section Director, form single-year sub-divisions 
within the standard age divisions defined in Article III.A. 
F. No potential team member may register without the written consent of his/her parent or 
guardian, unless the registrant is of legal age. 
G. A registrant becomes an official team member upon: 
1. payment to the Region of its required registration fee, and 
2. acceptance of his/her registration form by the Regional Commissioner or the 
Regional Commissioner’s designated representative, and 
3. placement on a team by the Regional Commissioner or the Regional Commissioner’s 
designated representative. 
H. The Regional Commissioner is responsible for assuring the eligibility of all team members 
on teams within the Region. Upon request of the Regional Commissioner or Area Director, 
a team member must present his/her birth certificate or other legal proof of age. 
I. An individual team member is limited to one AYSO primary season team. 
J. Boys and girls may play on the same teams where there is an insufficient number of 
registrants to establish separate teams with reasonable application of Article III.D. It is 
strongly recommended, however, that separate boys and girls teams be instituted and 
maintained wherever possible. 
A team member may transfer from one team to another within a Region, or from one Region 
to another, after the following three conditions have been met: 
A. Approval of both coaches of the teams involved. 
B. Approval of Regional Commissioner(s). 
C. Approval of team member and parent/guardian; parent/guardian approval is not required if 
team member is of legal age. 
The period of official membership shall be from August 1st through the following July 31st 
each year. 
A. Each chartered AYSO Region shall provide for team members to wear a matching team 
uniform consisting of a jersey, shorts and socks. Such uniform shall be properly marked 
with the AYSO Traditional logo, described in Exhibit “A” of these Rules & Regulations, 
that is a minimum of three inches and a maximum of four inches in diameter located on 
the upper left front of the jersey and otherwise shall conform to the markings on Exhibit 
“A.” Regions that purchase uniforms with a logo that is approximately three to four inches 
in height but that is smaller than the three-inch minimum (or larger than the four-inch 
maximum) may continue to use the uniforms after August 1, 2010, if the uniforms were 
purchased for use prior to the Fall season of 2010. 
1. The AYSO Traditional logo is not required on goalkeepers’ jerseys but is highly 
2. A pilot Region may use non-conforming uniforms which were purchased prior to the 
program becoming a pilot for their useful life but no longer than three years from the 
date of admission of the pilot Region. 
3. In connection with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of AYSO, a 
50th anniversary logo approved by the National Board of Directors (the “50th 
Anniversary logo”) may be used wherever the AYSO Traditional logo is required or 
permitted to be used as provided in this Article VI or as reflected in Exhibit “A.” The 
50th Anniversary logo may be used on uniforms purchased for use beginning with the 
Fall season of 2013 through the 2014-2015 membership year. The 50th Anniversary 
logo may continue to be used after the 2014-2015 membership year if the uniforms 
were purchased for use prior to the end of the 2014-2015 membership year. 
B. The AYSO uniform, including goalkeepers’ jerseys, may bear a manufacturer’s name 
and/or logo. The manufacturer’s name and/or logo must not be displayed more 
prominently than the AYSO Traditional logo or be larger than the size specified in Article 
VI.A. for the AYSO Traditional logo and it must not be placed on the upper left front of the 
jersey. In no event shall a manufacturer’s name and/or logo appear in the area designated 
for the AYSO Traditional logo. Except as provided in this Article VI or as reflected in 
Exhibit “A”, no other markings may appear on the uniform without the prior approval of 
the National Board of Directors. 
C. The AYSO uniform may bear an optional emblem representing Region, skills, sponsor or 
sportsmanship on the upper right sleeve and/or the lower right front of the shorts in 
accordance with Exhibit “A.” Such emblems shall be no more than three inches in 
diameter (or equivalent diagonal) and shall be approved by the Regional Commissioner. 
D. The AYSO uniform may also bear a sponsor emblem designated by the AYSO National 
Board of Directors immediately below the AYSO logo on the left breast of the jersey or 
such other location as the National Board of Directors may determine, as illustrated in 
Exhibit “A.” 
E. No AYSO uniform may bear a team member’s name, or team name, league name, or 
program name. 
F. The team member’s uniform number shall appear on the back of the jersey in a color that 
contrasts with the jersey color, and (optionally) may be placed on the front of the uniform 
below the standard manufacturer’s name and/or logo on the jersey or on the left side of 
the shorts. The number on the front of the uniform shall not exceed four inches in height. 
G. The AYSO Traditional logo must appear in a color that contrasts with the player’s primary 
uniform color. The AYSO Traditional logo must have a prominent appearance on the 
H. No person may use any of the AYSO trade names, trademarks or logos for any use other 
than AYSO-authorized activities without the prior written consent of the National Office. 
This includes having the AYSO Traditional logo stamped on soccer balls, soccer shoes or 
other equipment, or used in association with the products or services of any person. 
Those types of activities weaken any national licensing program and may violate license 
agreements then in force. Any approved use shall require that an ® should be placed next 
to the AYSO registered trade name or trademark or, if the trade name is not registered, a 
™ should be placed next to such trade name or trademark. These symbols serve notice 
that the trade names and trademarks belong to AYSO. 
I. Regulation soccer shoes, gym shoes, or sneakers (with or without cleats) are permissible 
in all AYSO competitions subject to the referee’s approval regarding their safety. 
J. Team members must wear shinguards that provide a reasonable degree of protection, 
and that are completely covered by their socks, to participate in any practice or game. 
K. Team members shall not be allowed to practice or participate in any game with any type 
of cast or splint. Removal of any type of cast or splint at the field or surrounding area in 
order to participate shall disqualify the team member from practice or game participation. 
L. Players shall not wear anything that is dangerous to either themselves or other players. 
The custodianship and disposition of equipment and supplies purchased by an individual 
Region shall be the responsibility of that Region. 
All incidents, injuries or property damage involving an AYSO participant or occurring at an 
AYSO event shall be reported to, and by, the Regional Commissioner or safety director on the 
AYSO Incident Report Form in accordance with the directive of the American Youth Soccer 
Organization (AYSO) National Office. 
Exhibit “A” 
AYSO Traditional Logo 3” to 4” in diameter on upper left front of jersey per Article VI.A. 
Logo color must contrast with jersey color per Article VI.G. 
Shinguards worn on both legs, completely covered by the socks per Article VI.J. 
1) The AYSO Traditional Logo must be a minimum of three and a maximum of four inches in 
diameter and must be worn on the upper left front of the jersey. 
2) Except as indicated in Article VI or in the drawing, no other markings may appear without the prior 
approval of the National Board of Directors. 
3) For clarification of proper size and location of AYSO and manufacturers' logos, refer to Article VI. 
4) The AYSO Traditional logo is not required on goalkeepers’ jerseys but is highly recommended. 
5) Pursuant to Article VI.A.3., the 50th Anniversary logo may be used instead of the AYSO 
Traditional Logo whenever the AYSO Traditional logo is required or permitted to be used as 
provided in Article VI or as reflected in the drawing. 

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