Field Flag Status
These statuses will be updated by 4:15pm. It is up to Coaches to get the flag status information out to parents. On occasion we cannot get the field status updated prior to 4:15pm. We would appreciate your patience. If fields are red flagged, so are school fields. Covered areas are not guaranteed to us so if you find one you may use it if it is not in use. Otherwise, cancel practice.
Updated by for the love of the game daily:
Keizer Youth Sports Complex at City of Keizer KLL Park – Baseball, Softball, Soccer, Football, Lacrosse and more
Reminder-Sometimes fields look great until you go walk in the outfield and sink in mud. Make sure you are using good judgement and not tearing up fields needlessly.
Please rake your fields after you use them. All coaches of all organizations have the chalk room code. Let's all do our part to keep our park playable.