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DSG Wellness

What Is Financial Wellness?

Financial Wellness can be defined as a 'state' of wealth that can be achieved by individuals or families - irrespective of income levels.

Financial wellness is having an understanding of your financial situation and taking care of it in such a way that you are prepared for financial changes. Maintaining that balance consists of being comfortable with where your money comes from and where it is going.

  • It can be created
  • It can be conserved
  • It can be lost

Not only will financial health and wellness vary between individuals, it will also fluctuate between times and changing life circumstances. For instance, a couple may find that their one-income household budget that was being stretched to its limit becomes far less so once their children leave home.

In your journey to Financial Wellness, it’s essential for you to know the answer of this question:  

“How much do you owe and also what is the value of what you own?”

When you know how much you owe and the value of what you own, you’ll have the two necessary ingredients for building financial wellness—it’s called your personal financial net worth