We are always looking for volunteers willing to dedicate some of their free time to help volunteer with coaching.
Step 1: Get yourself RUTGERS certified. This is currently a one shot 3 hour course that costs roughly 35 bucks (not covered by MRPGS). Please click on link to find schedule of upcoming dates. Upon completion place provide a copy of certificate to the divison director. Rutgers Safety Clinic
Step2: Get concussion certified. This is currently a one shot 1/2 hour course online. There will be a test at the end of the course so please pay attention. Upon completion place please print or save a copy of certificate and send to division director. Concussion training
Step 3: Background Check : NOTE: RP Coaches, if you have gone through the process with other sports within the last 3 years just have the RP police chief send your name and PCN # from bottom right of form to the Maywood Police Chief.
Print out the Universal Fingerprinting Form IDG_NJAPP form
Schedule your appointment to be fingerprinted at one of the many locations available. The $24.20 fee charged by the 3rd party company is the responsibility of the volunteer coach. follow this link https://www.bioapplicant.com/nj/Default.aspx Please enter code 2F1J3Y to get started.
You Must bring the IDG_NJAPP form filled out and acceptable form on ID (drivers license or passport) to your appointment.
Step 4: You are Ready. Jump in and get your feet wet. Go visit the parks, gyms, fields and start watching some practices and games. Visit Google and type in how to coach 7/8 softball, etc.
Thanks for your dedication.