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Lightning Protection System (LPS)

On top of the East Lake Football concession stand is a Lightning Predictor System that is used by the entire East Lake Sports Complex. The purpose of the system is to detect and predict the possibility of a lightning strike on the complex.
When the system determines that this possibility has occurred, an alarm will sound for 15 seconds. There is a blinking light on the top of the unit that will flash and continue to flash, until the All Clear is sounded.  The All Clear is three shorter, but equally as loud, alarms.

It is strongly suggested that you check for the blinking light upon entering the complex.  This will tell you if the system has issued an audible warning prior to your arrival.

East Lake Little League Policy
From the time of the first alarm to the time that the All Clear is sounded, ALL players ALL coaches and ALL spectators MUST be sent to their cars. This is for the safety of everyone who participates in the activities at the East Lake complex. This policy must be followed by anyone using the East Lake Little League facility - NO EXCEPTIONS!

First Offense: A verbal and written warning that will include additional instruction on the Lightning Predictor System policy.
Second Offense:  A season long suspension.

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