Our divisions fees are as follows:
Foal ......................................................................................
(Player Age 3-4: T-ball entry level of play)
Shetland ................................................................................
(Player Age 5-6: Entry level of play)
Pinto Machine/Coach Pitch .............................................…
(Players Age 7-8 : Face machine and coach pitchers)
Pinto Kid Pitch ..................................................................…
(Players Age 8: Experience kid pitching for first time)
Mustang ...............................................................................
(Players Age 9-10: Play traditional baseball rules)
Bronco ..................................................................................
(Players age 11-12 playing 70 ft bases)
Pony ......................................................................................
(Players age 13-14 playing 80 ft bases)
Colt/Palomino ......................................................................
(Players age 15-18 playing 90 ft bases)
Players registering from outside the city of Murrieta are subject to a $10 non-resident fee.
What are Unlimited teams?
Unlimited teams are travel baseball teams that are associated with MVPB and use our facilities as well as participate in league events. These teams are formed by invitation and/or tryouts and are not part of the regular recreational league. By including Unlimited teams within the MVPB organization we retain talented players we may otherwise lose to travel teams outside of MVPB. Please contact the
Unlimited Division Director if you would like to get more information or get in contact with team managers for questions or details about tryouts. We also have a high school prep division for 13 & 14 year olds that play on a regulation size field and employ rules that are designed to help players prepare for high school play.
When are games and practices?
During the season, a team will usually have two games during the week, one on Saturday and one Monday through Thursday, with an occasional Friday game. There may be times when only one game is scheduled during a week. Practice is scheduled once a week based on the game days and Manager discretion. This may increase to two times a week before the season starts or during those weeks with one game.
Where are games and practices?
Typically games are at the MVPB Fields. Practices usually take place at the city parks listed on our venues page. The practice fields will be assigned by Division Directors.
What equipment does my child need?
Players need a glove, cleats, and an athletic cup (for Pinto and above). Cleats should be rubber soled until the Bronco division, at which time metal cleats are permitted. Each Manger will have a bag with batting helmets, a complete set of catcher's gear, and a catcher's glove. Typically each Manager will also have at least one bat that can be use, but we recommend each player have their own bat and batting helmet since comfort and familiarity are key with this equipment.
What is provided with the uniform?
The uniform includes an MLB authentic baseball jersey and cap. Parents will need to provide baseball pants,socks and belt. Usually the Manager or the team as a whole will decide the color of the pants, socks and belt at one of the preseason practices. Many parents find it handy to have two pairs of pants and socks in case games are within a few days.
Can I request a certain coach for my child?
In the Shetland Division, parents can request a coach during the registration process. This request is not guaranteed and will be granted on a first come first served basis. Pinto and above divisions employ a draft to choose players to ensure talent is distributed between teams are as evenly as possible. Although direct requests for coaches are not possible, the a manager may pre-select their coaches children. There are three coaches allowed in Shetland and Pinto. Only a manager and coach combo can be pre-selected in advance of the draft.
What is the difference between the Fall and Spring season?
Fall is a developmental season, with the focus on teaching fundamentals in a lower stress environment. It is typically the season in which players move from one division to the next so it is used to acclimate players to new facets of the game. For Fall players are placed in age divisions according to the next calendar year's age. Spring is a more competitive season, with scores and standings recorded. Spring is also the season leading up to the All Star team selections and regional tournaments.
What does the MVPB Board consist of?
The board is made 100% of volunteers.
It consists of the following:
- Executive Board - This is the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Registrar
- Committee Chairs - This group includes the chairs for areas such as Concessions, Equipment, Fields, Fundraising, etc.
- Division Directors - This group is responsible for organizing each division (draft, schedules, etc.) and working with managers in each division
Visit the
Board Members page for the complete list and contact information.
Does my team have to have a sponsor?
Each team is responsible for finding their own sponsor. If a team cannot or decides not to secure a sponsor, they will have to still pay the sponsorship fee usually by splitting the cost between all of the team parents. See our
Sponsorship page for more details.
Am I required to volunteer?
Besides some facilities maintenance, MVPB is a 100% volunteer run organization. Without volunteers, MVPB would cease to exist. All player parents/guardians are expected to volunteer during the season. At the minimum, you are expected to staff the Snack Bar as required. The Snack Bar is one of our main fundraising vehicles and it is imperative that it stay open when the fields are in use. Parents and other family members are encouraged to volunteer in other capacities (e.g. coaching, joining committees, board). We realize not everyone's work and family schedule allows for volunteering a lot of time, but we appreciate any participation possible.
How can I be a junior umpire?
Junior umpires are first considered at age 11 and start in Pinto games. As junior umpires develop and improve, they can be elevated to Mustang and even Bronco games. Anyone interested in being a junior umpire should contact
[email protected].