St. Mary’s United (SMU) is the select travel soccer club representing St. Mary’s Youth Soccer (SMYS). Player development is a primary focus of SMU. Currently club sponsored teams compete in the area’s two premier leagues: Washington Area Girls Soccer League (WAGS) and the National Capital Soccer League (NCSL).
All SMU coaches are licensed through the Maryland State Youth Soccer Association (MSYSA) as well as background check approved.
Teams for each June as a result of tryouts for scheduled league play in the following Fall and Spring seasons. Tryout results are derived from a coaches' panel evaluation system during the scheduled tryout. All players must tryout to be selected to play with an SMU team. Oocasionally, a team may need to pick up a player(s) between the Fall and Spring seasons, when this is necessary, tryout announcements will be posted on this website.
For more information about St. Mary’s United, contact the SMU President, Alan Buster.