Click on the email address to send an e-mail.
E-mail is the preferred method.
Use phone numbers only for urgent concerns that require someone to be reached quickly.
All staff members are volunteers. Please do not call before 9:00 am or after 9:00 pm.
Referee Administrator
Angelo Marquez
Assistant Referee Administrator
Andy Fitzpatrick
Director of Instruction
Andy Fitzpatrick
Director of Mentoring
Steve Wilson
Director of Assessment
Sam Talebi
Youth Program Director
Angelo Marquez
Youth Program Assistant Director |
Jacob Sims
Referee Staff Mentor
Rick Himes
Refeee Staff Mentor |
Andy Neff |
Referee Staff Mentor
Dan Reynolds
For mentor requests in U7 to U12, please contact Andy Fitzpatrick at
[email protected]. Andy will email all of our mentors to find you someone who is available for your game(s). Mentoring is meant to be an enjoyable experience. You will be given only postive feedback.