
Winter I League Soccer 2020!

ROGERS Location:
NEW: TRIBE Soccer Indoor Facility
403 S. Rainbow Rd


 TUESDAY Evenings:
December 1 - January 12 
(no soccer games Dec. 20 - Jan. 3)
Sessions will be one hour on Tuesdays at TRIBE Soccer INDOOR facility
30 minute practice followed by 30 minute game


 SATURDAY Mornings:
December 5 - January 16
(no soccer games or practices Dec. 20 - Jan. 3)
Sessions will be one hour on Saturdays at TRIBE Soccer INDOOR facility
30 minute practice followed by 30 minute game


 Walker Park OUTDOOR fields
10 W. 15th St.

SUNDAY Afternoons:
November 8-December 13
(off Nov. 29)

Games on Sunday afternoons outdoor at Walker Park
30 minute practice followed by 30 minute game

About the Teams: Players are grouped into teams with friends and others similar in age. This is the perfect way to introduce kids to organized team sports! Every team has a trained and paid coach with a soccer background or history and lifestyle involving athletics.   

School/Friend-Based Teams:
 Classmates and friends make awesome teammates! If you have a group of 6-8 players from school or a group of friends that all want to play together, just let us know. We would be happy to accommodate your school/friend-based team if they all fall within the same age division! Contact Erin, at [email protected]

Team rosters for Winter I will be sent out October 30th for Fayetteville, no later than November 20th for Rogers.

All schedules will be posted on the HappyFeet website at the bottom of the home screen.  If you do not receive an email on the dates listed above please check your junk mailbox or contact [email protected]


Registration Coming Soon:
Winter League Soccer 2021!


ROGERS Location:
NEW:  TRIBE Soccer INDOOR facility 
403 S. Rainbow Rd

January - February 
Games on Tuesday evenings or Saturday mornings at TRIBE Soccer

Location: TBD

January 17 - February 28
Games on Sunday afternoons

Registration Listing

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.
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