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U8/ U10 Build Out Lines

The purpose of the build-out line is to

·Allow goalkeepers and their teammates more time to control the ball before being pressured from opposing players so teams can 'build play from the back’;
·Eliminate the constant punting from goalkeepers and the heading from punts;
·Teach goalkeepers proper distribution techniques in throwing and rolling the ball;
·Allowing “whole team” attacking (where the defensive line are the start of an attack);
·Teach roles and responsibilities to opposing team for cover and balance in getting ready for an attack.  

The build-out line will be used at the U8/U10 ages. For player safety, goalkeepers are no longer permitted to punt or drop kick the ball. Goalies can pass on the ground, throw, or roll the ball.

Coaches (NOT OFFICIALS) should address players who are slow to retreat, or the referee can issue misconduct, if necessary. 


·       Players will have more touches on the ball.
·       Players will learn the objectives and the principles of play for each third of the field.
·       Passing is promoted more.
·       Playing the ball out of the back is done in a less pressured way.
·       Young players will be able to see visually where their position is on the field.

Players will play more as a team than as individuals.

More information may be found here.

Playing Up

The Charlotte County Youth Soccer Club recognizes that player development is best achieved when players compete at their appropriate “soccer age” in training or game situations. The majority of CCYS players will play within their natural age group because this aligns with their “soccer age” group as well. Natural age groups are defined by the age matrix/birthdate cutoffs provided by US Youth Soccer. However, we recognize that in certain cases, providing opportunities for a player to train or compete in an older age group may be appropriate for their development. While we support the idea of continuing to challenge and develop our players by offering opportunities to “play up,” it is not appropriate for all of our players.

Allowing players to play up with older age groups impacts the experiences and opportunities for players in both the older age group and the player’s natural age group. Therefore, the decision to have a player “play up” will be made with the developmental interest of players in both age groups, and not just the development needs of the player who is being considered for “playing up.” As a result, the opportunities for a player to train or compete with older age groups may be limited by the club in the best interest of the development needs of all players. The following guidelines will be utilized when evaluating a player for the opportunity to “play up.”

The request to “play up” is only initiated from the coaches involved with agreement from the CCYS Board and player's parents. 

1. Technical Ability – A player must demonstrate a high degree of individual skill which translates to competitive game situations. In addition, a player’s individual skill must meet or exceed the technical abilities of other players within the age group that the player wishes to “play up” with.
2. Physical Ability – A player must exceed other players within their age group in physical strength, physical fitness, and speed. They must have ability to mix well with players of the older age group. Therefore, their physical abilities must meet or exceed those of the other players within the group that the player wishes to “play up” with. 3. Cognitive and Psychological Ability – A player must surpass other players within their age group in game awareness and general knowledge of the game. To include the mental strength that will be necessary when dealing with older and physically superior opponents.
4. Social and Emotional Ability – A player must be able to interact with players within the older age group on and off the field (training, games, and social gatherings). Also, a player must possess an emotional maturity similar to those of the players in the older age group that the player wishes to “play up” with.

As with any policy or rule, exceptions or unique circumstances may exist. The following is not an all-inclusive list of exceptions, but this list shows a few exceptions to the guidelines for a player’s ability to “play up.”
1. If CCYS does not have enough players in a specific age group to form a complete team, then age groups may be merged to fill out the roster and allow players opportunities to continue their soccer development with CCYS.
2. If a new player moves to the area after team formation, then space may not be available in their natural age group. That player may be allowed to “play up” after being evaluated by our coaches. However, this player will be evaluated with their regular age group for the next season.
3. CCYS may ask a player to “play up” to balance out numbers and playing opportunities between teams as well.

This goal of this policy is to provide a learning environment that balances the needs of our players to be challenged, and the needs of our players to succeed. A player that is “playing up” in any manner should not be overly challenged in a manner that prevents them from succeeding or provides them with excessive frustration. Players that are “playing up” in any manner should not be precluded from playing with their natural age group. When a player who has been “playing up” is asked to play with their natural age group, they should not view this as a demotion; rather they should view this as an opportunity to gain/regain confidence and an opportunity to improve the development of the team they will join.

"Grand-fathering" a player who has been playing up for one or more years will be taken into consideration, but allowing them to continue to “play up” will not be automatic. A player’s development needs change from season to season, and our goal is to place a player on a team that is developmentally appropriate. Therefore players will need to be reassessed throughout the season and throughout their career as a competitive soccer player.

CCYS Bylaws

Our bylaws can be here