Q: What are the ways I can register?
A: Online at
Q: What are FPYSA’s guidelines/protocols to minimize exposure to COVID?
A: See “RETURN TO PLAY GUIDELINE” section online at
Q: How old must my child be to play?
A: The FPYSA Spring 2025 program is available to any child that is 3 years old or older before September 1, 2024.
Q: What age levels do you offer?
A: Two levels of participation for FPYSA Spring 2025 season.
1. Division 1, 2, 3 and Varsity Team participation is available to any child that is 5 years old or older before September 1, 2024.
2. FP Little Kickers Session participation is available to any child that is 3 years old before September 1, 2024. (a season includes 6 sessions)
Q: What is the age group of each team division?
A: Four age groups make up the coed team divisions for FPYSA.
- Division 1: 8 & Under* (K, 1st, 2nd)
- Division 2: 10 & Under* (3rd, 4th)
- Division 3: 12 & Under* (5th, 6th)
- Varsity: 14 & Under* (7th, 8th)
Age as of September 1, 2024 – (start of 2024/2025 school session)*
Q: What is the cost?
A: FPYSA Spring 2025 season costs for Division 1, 2, 3 and Varsity. Available to any child that is 5 years old or older before September 1, 2024:
- Early Bird Price: $80
- Division Price: $95
- Late Price: $115
B: FPYSA Spring 2025 season costs for FP Little Kickers. Available to any child that is 3 years old before September 1, 2024:
- Season Early Bird Price: $50
- Season Price: $65
- Late Price: $80
- Receive a FREE "FP Little Kickers" t-Shirt with registration
Q: When will I be notified as to what team my child is on?
A: Once players have been assigned to a team the registered parent(s)/caregiver(s) will have access to the team page via this website, Sports Connect. Communicate to other team members and coaches can be done on the team page. Also, all coaches are requested to make contact with their players/parent 2 weeks prior to first game.
Q: Are there friend requests?
A: Request can be made at registration. FPYSA will make every effort to accommodate, but there is no guarantee.
Q: Are there coach requests?
A: Request can be made at registration. FPYSA will make every effort to accommodate, but there is no guarantee.
Q: What is maximum number of roster positions available for each team?
A: Maximum roster numbers for each team vary per divisions.
- Division 1: 11 max
- Division 2: 16-18 max
- Division 3: 16-18 max
- Varsity: 16-18 max
Q: Individual with special needs?
A: If your player will participate with support, or if you require other accommodations, please inform us prior to start of the season. FPYSA does not employ or assign trained special needs support staff, we do our best to accommodate support staff assigned or hired by parents or guardians.
- All requests for refunds must be submitted via email to the Forest Park Youth Soccer Association President or Treasure. Email your request to [email protected]
- Late fees are not refundable.
- Online transaction fees are not refundable.
Q: My child has a conflict with the practice time/day or has a conflict with other sports, can I get a refund?
A: Yes, while FPYSA will do it's best to accommodate conflicts, if conflict is unable to be resolved (prior to start of Week #2) a refund will be issued. Refund will not be issued after start of Week #2.
Q: My child has an injury that will not allow him to play, can I get a refund?
A: Refunds due to injury before the mid-point of the season will be honored. The decision to refund is at the sole discretion of the FPYSA board.
Q. What's the timeline for my refund?
A. Your refund check will be mailed within two weeks of the Forest Park Youth Soccer Association President or Treasure acknowledging your refund request.
Q: Are uniforms included in registration fee?
A: No, but we use the same color scheme season after season, so you do not need to buy uniforms each season.
Q: What is cost of uniform?
A: FPYSA Spring 2025 season uniform costs:
- Division 1 & 2 team: Jersey (red) $40 / Shorts (blk) $20 / Socks (red) $10 (NOTE: Same shirt, shorts and socks can be worn for the follow season, unless players move to Division 3)
- Division 3 & Varsity team: Jersey (blu) $40 / Shorts $20 (blk) / Socks (blk) $10 (NOTE: Same shirt, shorts and socks can be worn for the follow season)
- FP Little Kickers: Receive a FREE "FP Little Kickers" t-Shirt with registration. FP Little Kickers DO NOT require a uniform purchase.
Q: What equipment does my child need to play?
A: All players are required to have shin guards and must be worn at all practices and games. Soccer cleats are not required but encouraged. All players must remove watches, jewelry, earrings (no starter studs), metal hair bands, etc. for all practices and games.
Q: What size soccer ball does my child need?
A: FPYSA supplies balls for each team to play and practice with, but if you wish to purchase your child a ball these are the recommended sizes:
- Size three (3) soccer ball is used for Little Kickers and Division 1
- Size four (4) soccer ball is used for Division 2 and 3
- Size four (5) soccer ball is used for Varsity
Q: When are Division 1, 2, 3 and Varsity games played?
A: All regular season Division 1 games will be scheduled on Saturdays. Division 2, 3 and Varsity games will be scheduled in the evenings of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and during the day on Saturday.
Q: When are FP Little Kickers Sessions (each season includes 6 sessions)?
A: FP Little Kickers meet on Saturday’s at the Forest Park’s Veterans Field unless otherwise instructed.
Q: Where are games played?
A: All games for Division 1 are played at Forest Park’s Veterans Field unless otherwise instructed (including FP Little Kickers). Division 2, 3 and Varsity games will be played at Forest Park’s Veterans Field unless otherwise instructed.
Q: How many games are there?
A: Division 1, 2, 3 and Varsity teams in the FPYSA Spring 2025 season will be schedule for a minimum of 6 games in the season. The FP Little Kickers meet on Saturday’s for 6 weeks.
Q: When does the season start and end?
A: Schedule is posted to team page prior to season starting.
Q: How do I know if a game has been canceled due to weather?
A: Click here to see Weather Policy.
Q: When are make-up games?
A: If needed, both coaches will work out an acceptable time, usually using a practice time slot.
Q: When and where are Division 1, 2, 3 and Varsity FP team practices?
A: Practice times and locations are determined at the coach’s pre-season meeting. Practice times for Division 1 are generally between 5pm to 6pm or 5:30pm to 6:30pm on Monday or Tuesday. Practice times for Division 2, 3 and Varsity are generally between 6:30pm to 8pm. The practices are held on the main soccer field at Forest Park’s Veterans Field.
Q: What if my child has a conflict and cannot make the practice date and time of his team?
A: Practice conflicts are resolved between coaches at a parent’s request and approved by Coaches Director.
Q: Who can be a coach?
A: Participating player parent(s) can volunteer to be a coach or assistant coach for their child’s team.
Q: Do I need soccer experience to be a coach?
A: No, we will pair coaches and assistants up to afford the best coverage for a team. Also the FPYSA board will offer assistance and support as well as guide books of skills, drills, and strategies.
Q: How many coaches are there for each team?
A: Teams will have 1 head coach and 1 assistant coach. Support volunteers will fill in when required.
Q: If I volunteer, am I guaranteed to be a coach?
A: No. While every attempt is made to accommodate all volunteer requests, there are seasons where there are more volunteers than available coaching positions/needs.
Q: Does FPYSA need volunteers?
A: Yes, there are several opportunities to volunteer within the Community Soccer program. See volunteer opportunities available at online registration.
Q: Do I need soccer experience to be a volunteer?
A: No, we are looking for committed and involved parents for all positions.
Q: Will my player receive an award?
A: Yes. Participation medals/certificates are awarded at the end of the season to all players.