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Signal Mountain Soccer

Parents/Guardians/Spectators Code of Conduct



Signal Mountain Soccer League is committed to providing a positive experience for our players, parents, opponents, coaches, refs, and visitors.


1.  ENCOURAGE, NEVER CRITICIZE – In addition to helping your child improve as a soccer player, it is important we keep the experience fun.  Your child feels the pressure to do well. You should not add to that pressure. Be their biggest fan at all times, never their critic. Under no circumstances should you yell at your child or any other child during a game. Any physical altercation or threats of a physical altercation could result in a parent being banned from SMSL games or the player’s dismissal.

2.   RESPECT THE REFEREES – Even when the referee makes a mistake, the parents must support the officials.  They are a symbol of fair play and sportsmanship. You have no control over a referee’s calls. You teach your child to disrespect authority when you yell at a referee.

3.   NO COACHING FROM SIDELINE –  The coach must have the undivided attention of players at all times. You may be inadvertently telling your child to do something different than the coach. If you tell your child what to do, it robs them of the chance to make mistakes and figure things out on their own. Spectator comments should be limited to generic, positive comments such as "Nice pass," "Way to step", or "Nice work!”  Coaches with SMSL are volunteers.  If you want to direct players, volunteer to coach a team.

4. RESPECT THE OPPONENT AND ITS PARENTS - As ambassadors of SMSL, treat the opposing team's players and spectators with respect and hospitality. You represent the entire club with your words and actions.

5.  SUPPORT THE COACH - Our coaches are volunteers, who are giving their time to support our children’s love of soccer. Respect their decisions. If you have questions about playtime or position, arrange for a meeting with the coach at least 24 hours after a game. Take advantage of opportunities to learn about soccer so that you will understand what the coach is trying to accomplish.

6. ACCEPT THE RESULTS - Encourage your child to be gracious in victory and to never make excuses for a defeat. Turn the defeat into an opportunity to improve. Your child will lose games. They need your unconditional love and hugs more on these days than the wins.

7.  SUPPORT SAFETY – Do not pressure your child to play injured.  Follow the coach’s recommendation especially when concussion symptoms are present.  Be aware of TN law regarding concussions and sudden cardiac arrest, and protect your players (and others’) health and safety.

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