Website Manager

Fort Wayne United FC

Frequently Asked Questions


1)     Do I need to register online before my age group is scheduled to tryout?  


        A: Yes.  All participants must register before tryouts.  If you are unable to do so for any reason, please contact us at 496-9999 x 532 or at [email protected].

2)     How do I register if I already have an account from last year? 
A: Please see the step by step instructions on our Blue Sombrero website- how to register


3)     How many tryout dates do I need to attend? 
A: For our coaches to make the best evaluation, players are encouraged to attend all tryout sessions for their age group.

4)    If I am unable to attend tryouts is there still a possibility of making a team and what  do I need to do?
A: Players who are out of town or otherwise unable to attend their age specific tryout need to complete a Tryout Exemption Form found on our Blue Sombrero website.

5)      When will players know if they have made the team? 
A: Players will be informed within one week of their age groups last tryout date.


6)     Can my son/daughter tryout for an age group up or do they have to attend their own age group’s tryout? 
A: Players need to tryout with their own age group.  Any special dispensation needs to be handled PRIOR to tryouts through discussion with the coach and technical director for the age group being requested.


1)      When will the commitment and any fees be due? 
A: Upon accepting the position (which is commitment), first payment or payment in full will be required.

2)     If we change our minds about playing at any time during the year, are we still responsible for the remaining balance? 
A: Players are making a commitment to the club for an entire season (August 1- June 1).  If a decision is made to quit, the remaining balance will still be due as the pricing is inclusive.  See exemption information for information regarding players who are no longer able to play due to injury.


3)      How many practices do we expect each week?  How long will they be? Should we expect the practice schedule to be similar to last year?  When will we know the practice schedule?
A:  Practices will vary depending on the team and will be announced at the team meetings in early fall.  Please refer to the program guide for a basic outline by team.