The 2021 Season is here! We are looking forward to a great year of fun, learning, and hard work.
Late Registration is available for ages 5-9 until 9/19! You can register at the concession stand between 5:30pm-7pm on Monday, Tu...
Conditioning camp is going to continue Tuesday and Thursday this week from 6pm-8pm. We’ve also extended Signups to this Saturday!...
2020 Coupon use helps the league in the future!
Early Bird Special will be running on registrations until 8/1/2020!
Registration dates are set and online registration starts on 7/1/2020!
Board Members Selected!
Football and Cheer registration has been extended 1 more week. With this extension, the player draft has been moved 1 week as wel...
We have 2 in person Registration dates left!
Haltom City Pee Wee Football and Cheer will continue our tradition of conducting our 2019 Conditioning Camp prior to the 2019 sea...
Bantam Field
Junior Field
Senior Field
Haltom City Pee Wee Football Association 4839 Broadway ave Haltom City, Texas 76117
Phone: 817-991-1285 Email: [email protected]