Website Manager

Freetown Lakeville Soccer

Player Photo and Information


Update Player Photo and Information


This document provides the steps to update a player photo and other player information.  The player photo will be used during the creation of team documents and player pass cards.

1) Choose the right picture

2) Log into your account on our registration site:

3) Click on the Pencil icon next to the Participant that you want to update.

4) To upload a player photo click on the upload photo box.  To update an existing photo simply click on the photo.

5) Upload or Drag and Drop the player photo into the Upload Photo box.

Use the zoom and rotate button to correctly size the photo so that the players head/face align in the center of the box.  You can also drag the photo to correctly align in the center box.
Once the photo is correct, click the upload button.

6) Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Update button
If necessary you can update any additional information on the page before clicking update.

7) Finished
Your player photo will now appear on the account screen and will correctly appear on all of the team documents.