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Participant Registration

We are excited to have you join us for one of our upcoming TOPSoccer Events!  We believe we have created an environment for your player to enjoy his/herself while learning about the game of soccer.  

  • TOPSoccer integrates its participants by using current TFA and non-TFA players, friends and family as “Teammates” to help the participants both on and off the field as needed during TOPSoccer events.
  • TOPSoccer participants are placed in groups, organized by size, agility, mobility, the ability to follow directions, and lastly by age. The unique benefit to TOPSoccer is no upper age limit and participants may register as young as 5 years old.
  • Parents who may have thought they would never see their children with different abilities playing a sport or enjoying the social opportunities created through sports, get exactly that with TOPSoccer. Parents are able to relax and enjoy watching their children/adults having fun like their siblings or other children involved in TFA and the game of soccer.
  • We are incredibly fortunate to have key licensed professionals in the fields of Special Education, Clinical Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy to work alongside our TFA Coaches and Teammates to make this program a win-win for all involved.

We ask that you complete the forms below and bring with you to your first event.

Registration Forms (Click links below to access):

Participant Registration Form
Participant Profile Form
AAI Physician Approval Form  (This form is required for all participants diagnosed with Downs Syndrome only)

We are looking forward to meeting you and your participant!

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