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Frequently Asked Questions

Updated January, 2022

Where are games Played?


All home games are played at Saugus High school football field located at 21900 Centurion Way, Saugus, CA 91350.  Teams will play a combination of home and away games, away games are played at various chapters in the GCYFL territory.  For a list of field locations visit: GCYFL Field Locations


What are the age requirements?


Ages are 6 to 14 years.  Ages are determined as of July 31st of the current season. 


What are the weights and divisions?


The GCYFL provides a weight and age matrix to maintain the safest, most competitive football environment in Southern California.  For the current matrix go to the docs/form tab. 


What is the cost?


The registration fee for the season is $550.00.  Returning players who played with the Spartans during the 2022 season, will receive a $50 discount off each registered player, if registered before February 14th. Families with more than one sibling participating in the program will receive an additional $50 discount for every additional sibling.


Are there any additional costs involved?


Players will be asked to participate in fundraising events to raise funds for BOTH the Spartans organization and team needs.  These fundraisers help purchase new equipment for the league as well as fund team activities such as end of season banquets and coaches gifts. These fundraisers are mandatory. Teams may also ask for additional team funds for names on jerseys, team socks, pink packages (for October Breast Cancer Awareness gear- socks, shoelaces, etc.) or other team activities. 


What is included in the registration fee?


The registration fee includes: the use of a helmet and chin strap, shoulder pads, and game jersey(s) (which may be kept only when the 4 volunteer hours are met, otherwise may be purchased for $50). In addition, you will receive a practice jersey, camp t-shirt and shorts (for AGOGE week) to keep. The registration fee also covers other costs such as basic team/individual pictures, trophy, equipment safety refurbishing, updating out of date equipment, coach’s trainings, and secondary Saugus Spartan League insurance. Your registration fee will also cover the fees billed toward field use and use of lights in the fall, all GCYFL fees/dues and referees costs for home games.   Board to release the overview of recommended budget required to run the league.


What do I need to provide for my child to play?


Each player will need the following:

  • An original Birth Certificate which will be kept in the team book for the season and returned when the player returns their equipment (helmet and pads) at the end of the season
  • Football cleats
  • Practice football pants (either with integrated pads or football pants and a girdle with 7 pad set)
  • Matching team game socks
  • Athletic cup (worn in either a supporter, briefs or girdle)
  • Mouth piece (with strap required)
  • Additional pink equipment during Breast Cancer Awareness month - October
  • Water for practices


The following are optional:

  • Compression shirt (with or without padding) worn under shoulder pads
  • Gear bag (which may be purchased from the Spartan shop before the season)
  • Football gloves
  • Padded chin strap pad
  • Practice football socks


Can a player pick their jersey number?


We try to accommodate jersey number requests.  Returning players have first option and then they are assigned on a first come basis.  Jersey numbers are not guaranteed.


Where do you practice?


Practices are held at Saugus High School on the upper and lower grass fields or a local park.   Each team will be assigned a practice field location based on availability.


When are practices held, and how much practice time is required?


Mandatory practice begins in July at a date determined by the GCYFL and will run , 2 hours a day M-F.  The first week, players will wear their Spartan Spirit wear, helmets are optional at coaches discretion.  Once the first week (10 practice hours) are completed, week 2 conditioning is in helmet / pads and there will be no player to player contact (10 practice hours).


Once 20 conditioning hours have been completed, starting in week three, players will begin contact drills.  No player may begin player on player contact until they have completed 20 hours of conditioning.


Starting week 3, practice schedules are at each teams' coaches discretion.  Many teams will practice 2 hours a day M-F up to Labor Day.  After Labor Day Weekend (First Game) most teams practice 2-3 days a week (maximum 8 hours per week). 


Are there other mandatory dates aside from game days?


There is a mandatory weigh-in date prior to the start of the regular season as well as before the playoffs for those teams that qualify.  Each player must be at weigh-in or they may not participate.  There may be an alternate date for emergency situations only.  Players may gain 5 or 10 pounds between preseason and playoff weigh-ins depending on their age/weight category.


In addition, teams will be invited to participate in a preseason Jamboree usually one to two weeks prior to the first game.  This allows teams to get in contact work against other teams as well as assist the league in assessing the division each team will play in (D1 or D2).  The date and location of the Jamboree will be in August with a location to be determined. 


What is an "X" Player?


The "X" Player rule allows a player over the maximum weight to play within their own age division while maintaining the safety of the game.  "X" players may play on the offensive or defensive line at center, guard or tackle, and must be "off" or covered by another player. (non-eligible receiver) and may not "pull".  Only 3 "X" players are allowed on a team on the field at one time. 


For additional information on the "X" player rules as well as age/weight by division guidelines, please visit the GCYFL website  


What type of physical is required?


A medical physical is required before a player can attend practice.  It is highly recommended you make an appointment with your physician early to ensure you have your form completed in time.    


What if my child misses practice?


Tackle football is a team sport and takes a lot of commitment.  Each player is required to complete 10 hours of conditioning before wearing pads, and 10 additional hours of conditioning in pads before they can begin contact.  Each coach has individual rules about missing practice during the regularly held season which could include, not starting if a starting player and/or not playing in the Saturday game due to  the days absent. This is for the safety of the player who missed.  It is advisable to take vacations prior to the start of the season and minimize absences during the season so every player and team can reach their full potential. 


How long is the season?


Practice starts mid July and each team will play eight regular season games (with a possible bye week), with the potential for 3 playoff games.  The season ends late October to mid November depending on playoffs.


Note: Full season game schedules are usually not available until the week of the first game and are subject to change as needed based on field availability. 


Are there tryouts?

Returning players have a guaranteed spot on a spartan team. New players will be added to the rosters by coaches decision or result of an evaluation. Evaluations will be determined and scheduled by each teams coaches. Players are not guaranteed to play for a particular team or coach.


How much play time will my child receive in a game?


The GCYFL has a minimum play rule for every player.  Every player will play (a combination of offense, defense or special teams) the GCYFL league minimum plays per game.  Each team is responsible for having an auditor at each game to ensure the minimum play rule is enforced.


What are the volunteer requirements?


We rely on our parents throughout the season to make our program run efficiently.  Each family is required to put in 4 volunteer hours.  Game day roles are rotated by team manager so every family contributes, this does not constitute volunteer hours.


Individual team parent volunteer responsibilities may include:

  • Game Day (per game)
  •             Auditor (1)
  •             Chain gang (3)
  •             Scoreboard (2)
  •             Medic
  •             Photographer
  •             Video Tape
  •             Water and ice
  •             Clean up
  • Team banquet planning   


Each team may also have the opportunity to host the concession stand on a home game day as a fundraiser for their team (and as a service to the home and away teams).  Volunteers will be needed to work the stand from an hour before the days first game until the last game on the field that day.


In addition to team volunteers the League is officially run by parent volunteers and is always searching for additional League volunteers:

  • Board members (when positions open)
  • Social media
  • Coaches (interview position, when positions open)
  • Team managers  (interview positions)
  • Committee Chairs (Fundraising, events)
  • Certification/ Weigh-Ins  (minimum 4 parents volunteering)
  • Picture Day
  • Selling apparel
  • Saugus Spartan Parents (Adults Only) Fundraiser set up/clean up



Do you have cheerleaders?


Yes, our Spartan Cheerleaders are there to support us at every home game.  If you or someone you know would like to participate in the Spartan Cheer Program more information can be found here

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