Team Directory
Take advantage of this great resource through our Blue Sombrero Page.
Coaches, parents, and players can stay up to date on information throughout the season by viewing their own individualized team site. Log- on and check out the newsfeed for all game results. Create individual player profiles within your site, showcasing achievements and interests, to help better acquaint players at the beginning of the season. View and/or print a game schedule calendar, share team news and updates, post and share team pictures, and post discussions between coach and parent. This is your one stop shop to all things “Insert Team Name Here”. Don’t let miscommunications happen to your team. Use the team directory!
To Get Started:
1. Log in to Blue Sombrero. If you are allocated as a coach or a player on the team roster, you will be granted access to your team’s site. No other team will have access to your page. Discuss as much team strategy as you would like. Office staff will be able to monitor all team sites so keep all posts and pictures respectful.
2. Click on “Team Central” (thin, black bar at the top of the page) and drop down/click on “Team Directory.”
3. Search Your Team.
Team Home: This is your site Homepage. Click on the camera icon in the bottom right corner of the photo banner to insert your own photo. Here you will find your game results (updated automatically by office staff). You will also see team information and the information for your next upcoming game on the right.
Roster: Here you will find the complete player roster in either ‘roster view’ (list format) or ‘ photo view’ (profile format) Players and Coach names are automatically generated onto the site by Blue Sombrero. Instruct parents to click on ‘Profile’ under their child’s name to create an individual player profile (Including a photo, about section, achievement section, interests, etc.) You can also create a Coach Profile for parents and players to view and learn about their coach prior to the season.
Calendar: View, print, and/or export game schedule in a week or monthly view format. Click on the event to start a conversation, RSVP to the game, and designate or sign up for specific tasks.
News: Coaches can add news stories to share with the team.
Gallery: Mange your gallery by uploading photos, uploading videos, or link a gallery to the team page.
Discussions: Start a team discussion. Discussion posts will be sent via email to your players’ parents. Keep discussions respectful and pertinent as nobody likes too many emails with too little content.
Create your Official Team Site Today!