2025 Spring and Summer registration will open online on December 1, 2024.
Click on the Register link above.
We highly encourage everyone to sign up online
In addition to being more efficient than in-person registrations, all players must be accounted for in our database for Babe Ruth compliance.
Spring Select Leagues - January 8, 2025
Spring Minors, Majors, & Prep/Babe Ruth - February 19, 2025
Summer T-Ball & Coach Pitch - April 30, 2025
To Register:
Step 1: Click on "MY ACCOUNT" at top right of the main page.
Step 2: Use your existing Username/Password or create username and password & create account.
Step 3: You can then register as many participants as you need to.
Step 4: If you are lost or need help, FIRST, try BLUE support tab at right of page. SECOND, you can email us at [email protected] If you still need further help you can come to our in-person registrations or LASTLY, you can contact league president at [email protected].
Step 5: Visit our website and/or "Like" & visit our Facebook page to see dates for upcoming events and news.