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Quest Academy

News Detail


Dec, 2014

Quest Academy Founded

Our new academy was formed by a group of soccer coaches and parents that wish to offer high quality training and development to the area's youth.  The new academy was established in 2014 with a vision to help the youth of North Sacramento and surrounding areas a fun and educational experience.  Quest Academy has a meaning in the name itself.  Quality Education through Soccer Training represents our mission statement, our vision and our daily goals.  Each soccer player that attends a skills workshop, specialized training and team training sessions are taught the importance of school and the parallel development of their individual skill.

We have highly educated and licensed coaches and trainers that work with our academy members on a weekly basis.  We teach the student first approach and assist in their soccer development.  Our members are asked to complete weekly homework and individual skills practice at home to advance their soccer knowledge.  We use a special method that teaches team sports psychology, physical fitness and shape their soccer brain.  Our emphasize is on opening our members'  minds to soccer and the challenge of being a student athlete.

The academy will continue to grow and add members weekly as we look to expand our one team into one of the region's new and exciting development academies.  We are always looking for more players that would like to develop their skills and new coaches and trainers that share the same philosophy.