Softball Minor B
Youth league age 6 - 8, District 13 travel league. This league will be coach pitch for the entire season which includes approximately 14 games with an emphasis on practices and basic skills throughout the season; 11 inch softballs are used for play.
Softball Minor A
Youth league age 9 - 10, District 13 travel league. This league is player pitch until 3 players are walked and then the remaining inning is coach pitch. The season will consist of approximately 18 games and 11 inch softballs are used for play. Tryouts are required to show readiness for this level of play.
Softball Majors
Youth league age 11 - 12, District 13 travel league. This league is player pitch and follows all Blue Book rules, with a few exceptions. Continuous batting order is utilized, approximately 22 games are played and 12 inch softballs are used for play. Tryouts are required to access player readiness for this level. If you have any questions regarding softball please contact the VP of Softball.
Softball Juniors
Youth league age 13 - 14, District 13 travel league. This league is player pitch and follows Little League International rules. Standard batting order is used and 12 inch softballs are used for play. Tryouts are required to access player readiness for this level.
Softball Seniors (Big League)
This division will be managed at the district level and all registrations will be done by Aaron Kelly. Big League Softball is available to ALL girls who are 14 - 18 as of January 1st.
Contact: Aaron Kelly, ADA Softball District 13 at
[email protected]