Website Manager



Scroll below to see the committee descriptions:




Spirit Wear/locker magnets    
 Red Books  Rob Accordino
 Away Game Sandwiches  Boys:
 Yard Signs    
 Concessions  Boys:

Tina Beck

Julie VanDevender
 Timekeeper Boys:
Rob Accordino
 Announcer/spotter  Boys:
 Bob Thomas
 Stats Boys:
Shara Simone
Shara Simone
 Stat reporting/publicity  Boys:
Coach Simone
Coach Siimone
 Varsity Banner Boys:
 Senior Night Boys:
 Senior Banners  Boys:


 Senior Books  Boys:
 Senior Soccer Decorations  Boys:
 Team Banquet    
 Kid's Camp    
 Cardinal Classic    All Parents Needed
 Meet the Team    



1.  Spirit Wear-need two people to co-chair, one parent from boys’ team and one from girls’ team.  Have worked with Ron from Eagle Wear in Hubbard.  Can also check Needles Nest in Canfield-Jim/Barb and other area businesses.

-Coordinate and pick out items to sell (done in May).

-Have samples and select sizes for people to view and try on (Need at Meet the Team Night in Aug.)

-Create an order form with description of items, descriptions, sizes and prices.

-Have the order form ready to give to players as soon as teams are announced, so they have it ahead of time for Meet the Team Night.

-Take orders and collect money at Meet the Team and several girls’/boys’ practices.

-Pick up, sort and distribute.

-Follow up with any problems.

Decals for vehicles-soccer decals for players and family members.

-Choose a business to make decals, get artwork and price.

-Include on Spirit Wear order forms.

2.  Red Books-Book to be compiled and typed to hand out at Meet the Team night and put on soccer website.

-Gather contact information for all players and their parents with names, cell and home numbers, address and e-mail addresses.

-Booster meeting dates, times and places for the entire school year, plus date for banquet and senior nights.

-Game schedules for boys/girls.

-Team rosters.

-Committee chairs.

 Away Game Sandwiches-players do not go home from school before an away game.  Need two people to chair, one for boys and one for girls.

-Decide on where to purchase sandwiches (in the past, the boys have done Chick-fil-A and the girls have done Sub Way. Phil prefers Subway, because it is              healthier.)

-At Meet the Team, take all players’ orders and collect money for the entire season.

-Pick up sandwiches at 2:45 and have them at school by 3:00 on all away game days.

-Set up a schedule for volunteers to donate fruit and drink for each player for all away games.  You can have one family bring fruit and another drinks.

4.  Locker Magnets
-Magnets for the players’ lockers during season.

-Choose a business (have used Olfield Graphics), get prices from several businesses and design (include soccer ball, soccer, logo, player’s name and graduation year).

-Have forms for player’s to fill out with their first and last name and year of graduation.  Have players print their names neatly.

-Take orders and collect money at Meet the Team.

-When magnets are done, put them on the lockers at school (locker numbers can be obtained from the office) and collect them after season.

5.  Yard Signs
-for each varsity and JV player.

-Get pricing for 2-color corrugated 24” X 15” signs with metal stakes. (Signs have Canfield High School, soccer ball, cardinal head, player’s name and graduation year.)

-Take orders at Meet the Team.  Have a sheet for players to neatly print their first name and graduation year.

-Distribute signs to players when they are finished.

-In 2012 signs were $3.95 + $1.50 for metal stake.  In 2013, signs were $8.00 + $1.50 for metal stake.

6.  Time Keeper
-Sit in press box and run clock.  Need one or two for boys’ games and one or two for girls’ games.  Have to pay close attention to game to make sure the ref does not motion to stop the clock.

7.  Announcer
-Sit in press box to announce players and coaches for both teams. 

-Announce players who scored and assisted.

-Need a script of Ohio Athletic Association.  Mr. Cooper provided script for every game.

8.  Spotter
(Who works with the announcer)-Help announcer to identify which players are going on and off of the field.

9.  Statistician
-Keep track of goals, assists, shots on goal, saves/blocked goals and PK’s.

10. Varsity Game Stats Reporting and Publicity-
Send in the stats to Mr. Cooper, Vindicator, Town Crier and TV stations immediately following the games.

Work on getting press coverage.  Write articles to recap the games and send to Vindicator, Neighbors, and Town Crier.  Try to get TV stations and papers to attend games and do write-ups on players and games.

11. Concessions-
Need two to three co-chairs for both boys and girls games.

-Decide on menu, items to be sold and pricing.

-Coordinate with the boys and girls chairs and do shopping together.

-Need to open concession by 4:00 to set everything up and get food prepared.

-Have to close down, put everything away and clean up after the varsity game is over.

-Count money at end of the night (need 2 people to do this) and sign off on it. 

-Call or text volunteers the night before to remind them that they’re working. (Volunteers get into the game free when they’re working.)

-Have schedule sheet for each home game at Meet the Team to have people sign up.  Each family is required to work two games.

12. Varsity Banners
-Large banner (about 50 feet long) with varsity team member’s names.

-Have to take current banner to the printer to get the names changed.

-Take banner to all home and away games.  Have to store/transport/put up and take down at each game.

13. Senior Banners-
Each senior gets a custom banner made that hangs up in the cafeteria. (Heidi Saleh has dowel rods to hang them.)

-Take orders for each senior (include name and number and captain on team captain’s banners).

-Collect money at Meet the Team.

-Take orders to company.

-Pick them up and hang them up in the cafeteria.

14. Senior Books
-picture books for all seniors

-Get 20-25 pictures of each senior from parents.

-Put it on CD and take to Photo Place or Walmart or somewhere to have a book made for senior night.

15. Senior Soccer Decorations
-Large soccer balls (about 2 feet in diameter) made out of paper mache. Used at senior night and banquet.

16. Senior Night-
one game each year is designated as “Senior Night” for each team.  The seniors are introduced/escorted across the field by their families and a small reception follows the game in the cafeteria.

-Usually done by junior parents.

-Pick a date (Phil runs the dates by Boosters to pick the best date.)

-Give date to Mrs. Vince in athletic office.

-Flowers for mom (Student council pays for them).

-Pictures by Robert Senn Photography (Paid by sponsor which is usually Bob Eddy)

-Book cafeteria and custodial staff (call Mrs. McGuffin in main office).

-Choose menu

-Create invitations, get them printed and distribute to senior families.

-Create programs and get them printed.

-Hand out biography sheet to each senior player.  After they’re returned, write up a bio for each one to be read as they walk across the field.

-Set up an announcer to read the bios.

-Get someone to sing the national anthem (work with Mrs. Scurich).

-Get banners down in the cafeteria to have someone carry in front of each senior.

-Have someone make the hoop that the seniors run through.

-Order balloons to decorate the field (red and black with weights).

-Have each senior make a senior display board and bring it to the cafeteria before the game.

-Order gifts for seniors.  Present them at senior night.

-Have volunteers help with set up and clean up.

-Solicit donations for tableware, ice, water, food, balloons. Etc.

17. Hoop for Senior Night
-Create a design, draw and paint it and put it on a large hoop (Ask Mr. Cooper where the hoop is at school).  Bring it to the cafeteria a few days before senior night.

18. Scholarship-
given at the banquet to one senior girl and one boy.

-Phil will give the applications to the seniors to fill out.

-Phil will give each player a form to rate each senior player.

-Can try to do a lot of it through google documents this year.

-Be there to get the forms from Phil and meet with the committee to tally scores.

-Print winner’s names on certificates and frame them.

19. Team Banquet
-work with Phil on setting the date, usually the 2nd week in Nov.  Let Mrs. Vince in athletic office know the date as soon as it’s picked, so she knows when to have all of the certificates and letters ready.

-Book hall

-Choose menu and set price

-Send out invitations to each soccer family 4 weeks prior to banquet and have them mail back RSVP and money 2 weeks before banquet.

-Coaches’ gifts.

-Order cakes, cookies or dessert.

-Decorations (use the seniors soccer balls and banners), table centerpieces.

-Get podium and microphone.


-Senior gifts


-Record senior speeches

-Slide show

-Set up and clean up

20. Kid’s Camp
-Need a chair or co-chairs and about 10 committee members.  June 16-20 from 6-7:30 p.m.

-Week long soccer camp for 5-13 year olds run by the high school coaches and players. 

-Get master list of campers and break them into age groups.

-Check campers in and out each day.

-Have soccer families donate freeze pops, water and giveaways.

-Solicit businesses for giveaways and coupons to give to campers.

-See Elizabeth and Leslie for details.

21. Meet The Team
-an evening in August to meet varsity and JV team members, order spirit wear and sign up for all committees.

-Book the cafeteria with Mrs. McGuffin in main office.

-Set up sign up tables.

-Have sign up sheets for each committee.

-Pass out red books.

-Set up and display all spirit wear items and take orders.

-Have podium and microphone set up.

-Have a table with water and cookies.

22. Team Dinners
-a tradition to provide players with a dinner and a chance to spend time together.  As chair, have a sign up sheet at Meet the Team and keep in touch with those who volunteered to have a dinner.

-Parents can team up to have a JV, varsity or JV/varsity dinner at their home or at a restaurant.  There are no rules.  You can do whatever you wish.

-Print a list of team dinners with dates, time, location and families hosting the dinners and pass out to the players.  Also put the list on the soccer website.

Student Theme Nights-Come up with game themes (an example was “black out the bulldogs) to increase attendance at games.  Can sell t-shirts at lunch, hang posters in school, have announcements at school, etc.

24. Uniform Assignment/Collection
-help the coaches with passing out the uniforms, warm-ups and bags and recording the number and sizes for each player.

Help the coaches collect the uniforms at the end of the season and make sure each player returns all uniforms, warm-ups and bag. 

25. Video taping games
-need volunteers to video tape every boys and girls varsity games.  Soccer Boosters will provide the video camera and tripod. 

26. Player t-shirts for preseason and Cardinal Classic
-work with Phil to design t-shirts, get sizes for each player and place order.  Pick up t-shirts and distribute to players. 

27. Picture Day-
Help coaches organize players for team and individual pictures.

28. Cardinal Classic
-a two day soccer tournament hosted by Canfield High School soccer team.  Everyone’s help is greatly needed to make this tournament a success.  Committees include:












29. Service Projects
-someone to organize a service project or two for our players and families to get involved with.  Some suggestions are:
-School supply collection for needy Canfield families.

-Coat/mitten/gloves/hat/sock drive.

-Breast cancer awareness night.

-Time at the food pantry or a canned good collection at games.

-Bell ringing for Salvation Army.

-Christmas boxes for the troops.

DONE - Canfield High School Soccer
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