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Welcome to Nazareth Soccer Club


My son/daughter made their team at Fall evaluations.  Do they have to evaluate again for the Spring?
No.  If a player makes the team in the Fall they are still on the team for Spring.  Additional players may be added to a team, if there is available roster space.  

Why are we being asked to volunteer?
Nazareth Soccer Club is run by volunteers. Community service is the lifeblood of the organization.  With 600+ kids playing each Spring and Fall, it takes a lot of organization and behind the scenes effort to keep the Club operational.

What do NSC's registration fees cover?
Uniforms and Socks for Micro Players
Fees for Classic Leagues
Referee Fees for Classic Games
Trainer Fees
Equipment (balls, goals, etc.)
Field Management (usage costs, paint, seed, etc.)

Why does NSC change its Classic uniforms every 2.5 to 3 years?
The uniform cycle is dictated by our uniform partner, Adidas.  Adidas has a life cycle on its uniform styles, and after about 2.5 years, the Club isn't able to purchase previous styles for new players.

How do I create a new account/register?
  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Register button that is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. Fill in all required fields and enter a username and password.
  4. The Primary Contact information is where most of the correspondence from the club will be, so it should be the parent/guardian's information. Your username must be entirely unique, so keep trying different letter/number combinations if your first one is not allowed.
  5. You will receive an email notification with your username and password once your account has successfully been created.
  6. Important: You only need to set-up one account even if you have multiple children in the program! 
  7. There is an option as you go through the process to add participants.  Participants are the players.


Need help? [email protected]
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