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Central Texas Youth Softball Association

News Detail


Mar, 2015

Play Day Rescheduled... Again

Good evening! 

As you probably guessed, the fields are still far too wet to have our Play Day tomorrow. We are supposed to receive an update on the field conditions from the city on Wednesday and will let you all know something as soon as we are able to reschedule. 

Please keep in mind that if your daughter is returning to the same team or is a "protected" player (you will know already if this applies to you), they do not need to attend Play Day. The only girls who need to attend are girls who have never played with CTYSA before, or are moving up to a new age division. 

Also, this does not apply to t-ball.
 T-ball rosters have already been posted on the website and the coaches should be calling this week. 

Another frequently asked question is what equipment is needed. Here's a list: 
Helmet with face mask and chin strap
Bat - As long as the bat is ASA certified (it will say on the bat) you are good to go! 

Let us know if you have any additional questions. We apologize for all of the date changes. Thanks for hanging in there with us!