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Volunteer as a Coach

Why should you become an AYSO Coach?

Coaches are essential to the AYSO experience. Coaching is a rewarding experience because you have the opportunity to build a child's self-esteem. More importantly, working with kids is great fun! We need your help to model positive attitudes and teach soccer skills, teamwork, and good sportsmanship.

If we don't have enough coaches, then we must scale back registration and kids who want to play are turned away.
San Elijo Region 1505 is one of the largest regions around. LOTS of players means we need LOTS of coaches. If you plan to be at your child's soccer practices and games, you'll also have time to be your child's coach.

Coaching Requirements

All AYSO coaches and assistant coaches must:

• Be a registered volunteer for the current membership year
• Complete the online AYSO Safe Haven course within the past 3 years (through
• Complete the online Concussion Awareness course within the past 3 years (through
• Be certified in the age level you will be coaching (See chart below)

Required coaching certifications for each age level:

Division  Minimum Required Certification
5U Coach
6U Coach
7U Coach
8U Coach
9U Coach
10U Coach
12U Coach
14U Intermediate Coach
16U Advanced Coach

Note: Most certifications/trainings can be completed online.


Contact [email protected] if you are are interested in becoming a volunteer coach, or have more questions.

Coaching Tools


Not sure where to start? Not sure how to plan your coaching sessions?

All of our Region 1505 coaches have PREMIUM access to The Coaching Manual website and mobile app which will help give you the skills you need to be a fantastic coach!


What is The Coaching Manual?

The Coaching Manual is a website and mobile app that has everything you need to be a successful coach and manage your teams. From individual lessons ideas through full season-long practice sessions, The Coaching Manual helps you become a more organized, efficient and better coach.

Thanks to our partnership, all of our coaches receive access to the Premium content level for free. To get started, visit Note: We will provide you with instructions on how to access the Premium plan.

What's included?

• Customizable, Age-Appropriate Season Plans, developed by certified coaches

• Design tools for building your own diagrams

• Guides to teach tactics, formations, and strategies

• Age-appropriate games and practice ideas

• Training Videos (by renowned English Premiere League Academy Southampton FC)

• Ability to share content with your players and families

• Ability to create our own practice plans, and organize your favorite videos, guides, and ideas

Coaching FAQs

I'm thinking about coaching, but...

I have no time to coach.
That's exactly WHY you should coach. As a coach, you set your own practice schedule. You can choose a time that fits your family's work and school schedule.

I have little-to-no experience with soccer.

No problem! We provide you with coaching clinics and classes prior to the start of the season based on the age level you are coaching. You will also be given an easy to follow manual with simple instructions and an explanation of AYSO philosophies and regulations. Unique age-appropriate coach training is one of AYSO's specialties.

I don't have any coach equipment.

That's not an issue! We supply you with equipment you need like cones, balls, pinnies, and more!

I don't know what to teach or how to run my practices.

We've got your covered! In 2019 all Region 1505 Coaches receive FREE, PREMIUM ACCESS to The Coaching Manual website/mobile app, which includes tailored season plans for every week and every practice, developed by certified coaching experts.

I don't know how to register or get certified to be a coach.

We can help you with that. You can become a coach in three simple steps:
1. sign-up / register with us to be a volunteer coach - fill out our interest form here:
2. Take a short Concussion Awareness and Safe Haven™ online course.

3. Attend a brief age-specific coaching course. It's only a few hours.For more information on how to sign-up visit our Volunteer Page.

Okay, you talked me into it. After I sign up to volunteer, what do I do next?

Don’t panic.

Don’t be mad at your significant other if they volunteered you without you knowing about it.

Attend the coaching clinics, read the manuals given to you, watch a few games on TV or better yet go to one of the local games. Talk to your friends or anyone you know who is or has been a coach before.

Always remember you can contact the Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator or your Division Coordinator for support and advice. We are all part of a team, we’re here to help one another for the benefit of the kids.

When do I receive my roster?

U12 and U14 divisions have drafts in July. Younger divisions have players assigned to teams, in an effort to keep teams balanced and the games fun for everyone. Sometime in July you will receive your Fall roster. You should contact families by August 1st.

When do I practice?

Whenever you want. It's your team. (If another parent wants to dictate the practice schedule, they should have signed up to be a coach!) Of course, if you set practices for 3pm, don't expect everyone to make it. Find a time that works best for you, but be cognizant of other families' work/school schedules.

Note: The Coach Administrator will let you know when you may begin practices (usually early August). All practices will be held at San Elijo fields.

How often do I practice?

Again, this is up to each coach. Typically the younger divisions (U8 and below) practice once per week for an hour. Older divisions often practice twice per week at the coach's discretion.

When are games?

Games in the Fall season occur once per week, September through November -- each team plays roughly 9 or 10 games (depending on Division). Most games are Saturdays, although some divisions have Friday evening games under the lights, which is a electric (pun!) atmosphere for the players.

What are the game formats?

U5-U6: 4v4, no keepers, small pop-up goals. 10 minute halves (Note: Scores and Win-Loss records are not kept)U7-U8: 7v7. 20 minute halves (Note: Scores and Win-Loss records are not kept)U10: 7v7. 25 minute halves
U12: 9v9. 30 minute halves
U14: 11v11. 35 minute halves
U16: 11v11. 40 minute halves
U19: 11v11. 45 minute halves

What size ball do we use?

U5-U8: Size 3
U10-U12: Size 4
U14+: Size 5

What size fields and goals do we use?

U5/U6: 30yd x 20yd, Pugg goals
U7/U8: 50yd x 30yd, 6' x 18' goals
U10: 80yd x 40yd, 7' x 21' goals
U12:100yd x 50yd, 8' x 24' goals
U14-U19: 110yd x 60yd, 8' x 24' goals




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