Over the past few years the Haslet Sports Association has seen continued growth and involvement at all age levels. The Recreational Softball program is no exception and gives girls in the area the opportunity to compete both locally and with other girls in the region.HSA's Softball program was been built upon the following guiding principles:
- To help our youth develop into better adults through participation in organized sports.
- To foster an atmosphere focused on FUN, sportsmanship, teamwork, trust and fundamentals.
- To guide and assist our participants to gain the necessary skills, confidence and discipline to become positive, healthy citizens and role models of the future.
HSA Recreational Softball Program
The HSA Recreational Softball Program is designed to attract as many players in the community, who have a sincere interest in the game, as possible. In our younger leagues we attempt to include every single player who registers to play. Our goal is to give the youngest players in our program an opportunity to gain a fondness for and an interest in the game. We also strive to give them every chance to learn the basic skills the game requires.As our recreational players advance in age, we still provide an "all inclusive" approach to participation. The privilege of increased participation is earned through attainment of performance levels by conscientious attendance at games and practice sessions, as well as general conduct and development on the playing field.
What Age groups are offered?
We currently offer 6 different age groups for Girls Softball; 6U, 8U, 10U and 12U.
When do the girls start kid pitch?
Our programs progress as follows:
6U is a modified Coach Pitch / Tee-Ball-- No Strikeouts
8U is full coach pitch-- 5 pitches or 3 strikes--whichever comes first unless the ball is put in play. (Coach Pitches)
10U is when the girls start to pitch--some modifications
12U--Full Softball
When and where are games played?
Generally games are played on Saturday. Due to rainouts or other factors, a team may play a weeknight game.
What is provided by HSA Softball?
The league will provide each girl with a jersey each season. The league will provide catchers gear, and practice balls for each team as well as trophies at the end of the season.
How are teams selected?
Prior to the commencement of practice, we will have a coach’s look and draft for all girls not returning from a previous team
· Anyone wishing their daughter not play for one particular coach, for any reason, should email the softball commissioner with that wish. These requests for one coach, will be honored, barring extraordinary circumstances.
· Any friend, coaching request, or other request in regards to team placement should also be made to the softball commissioner via Email. Although we cannot guarantee each of these requests, we do our best to honor as many as possible.
How will I be notified of team selection and practice times?
Shortly after the draft, coaches will contact each family to let them know the team and when practices begin.
HSA Softball Rules
Interlock substitution rules - Spring 15
Rules 6u - Spring15
Rules 8u - Spring15
Rules 10u - Spring15
Rules 12-15u - Spring15.pdf
Team selection rules