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UFA Mountains

Speed and Agility



Speed & Agility begins the week of February 17th and runs though the week of April 17th.
No session Thursday, April 3rd, the week of Spring Break.
Thursday's 5:15-5:45pm or 6:45-7:15pm

Rained out sessions will be made up as needed at the end.
Cost: $30 for 8 sessions

Speed and Agility Training

Soccer is a hybrid of many actions, speeds and changes of direction. It is a sport of numerous short sprints and high intensity anaerobic work interspersed within periods of low intensity, aerobic recovery cycles.

A well-trained soccer player has the ability to make a fast run, powerfully change direction and recover quickly, keeping muscles well supplied with fuel and delaying the buildup of lactic acid. Our Speed and Agility Training system first prepares the player by building general mobility, stability and strength. It is essential to begin with general stability and strength movements to increase ligament, tendon and muscle strength. From this solid base, we can progress to speed and agility techniques: acceleration, deceleration and change of direction.






Key Benefits

Gain optimal levels of mobility and core stability

Build strength in muscles, tendons & ligaments; injury resistance

Create powerful athlete by increasing strength and speed

Types of Exercise

Dynamic warm-ups, core stability and general strength

Dynamic warm-ups, agility training, core & strength

Dynamic warm-ups, agility & speed, strength & plyo

Important and interesting articles:

Hydration: Guide to Dehydration and Heat Illnesses in Children
Sore? Try Foam Rolling
Why is Muscle Recovery so important?
Stay Energized Throughout Your Tournament - Tips to keep you playing at your best!

Field Status

Open Open

Rock Creek Park (05:06 PM | 04/28/16)

Open Open

Yahoola Creek Park (05:06 PM | 04/28/16)